

  • I agree with most of the replies here. It is very hard to maintain for a long period and simply not realistic. I am currently on the 17 Day Diet, which is very low carb for the first seventeen days and then slowly introduces carbs back into your diet. It is based on the idea of resetting your insulin sensitivity to sugars…
  • Glad to help!:smile: I forgot to add that when all else fails and it is getting too late to eat anything, bush and floss your teeth. I find that after that I will not go through the trouble to do it again.
  • I can totally sympathize with you! :smile: I have the same problem so I work out so that I can snack later or I save calories for my snack. :wink: Try a small apple sliced with 1Tb peanut butter with your water. That is about 300 calories. It will help with the sweet and salty craving and it is packed with fiber so it will…
  • try the 17 day diet. it is about getting your body out of a diet rut or an unhealthy lifestyle.
    in eat more? Comment by eameow August 2011
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