I got the munchies =(



  • Love the apple and peanut butter idea! Havent had that in forever! I forgot about that combination! Ill try that thanks!
  • i used to always eat at night, I couldn't help it and when I would eat one snack I would decide that it wasn't what I really wanted so I would try something else. I t was like a compulsion that I had to eat. I got up to almost 300 pounds that way. I gained 40 pounds in one year. i started out changing my habits one at a time, like first istarted walking , i made my self walk every day but sunday, then I started to eat smaller portions and then I started to cut out my night time eating. I would have to say that eating at night has been the hardest thing for me. i keep my freezer full of Kemps fat free frozen yogurt and if I eat anything at night I make it that. With me telling myself i was not going to eat anything at night made me crave it so much more. I would focus on that and even though I wasn't hungry I would eat and eat then regret every bite i took. So Idecided if I am going to snack it wil be a healthy snack. i have lost 51 pounds since mid January and i haven't restricted what I eat because that is when I give up. For the last 8 months I have walked at least 4 miles a day (excuding sundays) and I have changed my way of eating with out actully dieting. If I know that i am going to be eating like chicken wings or pizza i exercise more and maybe just have a salad for lunch for example.
    Another thing that i do at night when yogurt isn't going to cut it I will turn on a show and start walking in my living room or do sit ups, or I started making tutus for my 3 daughters, just anything to keep your mind focused on anything but a snack,
    i could probably have lost a lot more weight if i would have been dieting all this time but I figure this isn't just a 9 month project its a life change and I am not willing to cut out everything unhealthy so i just modify each day by its self. On day I will reach my goal it might take a while but I will know that I have done it on my own and that is a huge accomplishment for me!
    Just keep going find what works for you! The only wrong way is giving up! Good luck!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    I would just try making sure the snacky things you have in your kitchen are healthy, in case you do have a craving. I agree with what some other people have said, save a few calories or eat a bigger breakfast. Drink a glass of water, or, sounds funny, but do a few push-ups or crunches and see if you still feel hungry. Playing a game on your computer or something is a great idea too. I have a big problem with nighttime snacking sometimes. Some nights dinner is enough, and some nights I get in this mode where all I think about is food. I will eat like 3 or 4 cheese sticks or something. I know how hard it is. Good luck! You can do it.
  • eameow
    eameow Posts: 4
    Glad to help!:smile: I forgot to add that when all else fails and it is getting too late to eat anything, bush and floss your teeth. I find that after that I will not go through the trouble to do it again.
  • I've read and have been told by a nutritionist that usually when you are craving salt/sweets your body is telling you that it is lacking vitamins/nutrients. Since your body is lacking something your body makes you eat more because it thinks that if you eat more you'll get more nutrients. I found that when i started eating more raw vegies I stopped craving. Hope that helps!
  • Thanks yall!
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