I got the munchies =(

akane1087 Posts: 33
I have been getting soooo hungry at night time.. just for snakcs.. but its like nothing satisfies me so i eat a little bit of a couple different snacks! How do I stop munching so much at night?!


  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    It a bigger dinner
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Eat a bigger dinner or save calories for some snakcies
  • I do eat a big dinner though.. its just something about night time that makes me feel hungry.. not sure if i really am or if its just a routine i have myself on and cant get off of it =/
  • jodie0520
    jodie0520 Posts: 36 Member
    Try finding an activity that you can do at night that will help keep your mind preoccupied.....crosswords, games, facebook...whatever will keep your mind off eating without triggering those cravings.
    If that doesn't work, I agree with the other post. Save some calories so that your snacking won't ruin your progress.
  • What do you have for dinner
  • Drink a bottle of water when you get a craving!
  • I only get like this if I am bored and my mind starts wondering. I just down a liter of water at that point.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    A nice cup of flavored tea really feels me up - apple cinnamon :drinker:
  • Kathy_Noring
    Kathy_Noring Posts: 143 Member
    Oh, I see someone beat me to it. I am also suggesting hot tea!
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    hot tea...but if you break that ~bedtime snack~ habit one night its easier the next, and the next one after that, as well!
  • GUM!!! It's been my non munchie life saver (or calorie saver)
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I found drinking alot of water helps. I also do more major workouts before dinner, and have a Propel Zero to drink, and leave calories for a snack, I have found Quaker makes a great 90 calorie pack, of some drizzle thingies, they help to satisfy the salty/sweet craving I'm good for having. Skinny Cow also has some yummy sweet treats. Another option, is yogurt, or frozen yogurt, kemps has some great frozen yogurt parfets, individual size, and ice cream as well. Hope it helps. The cravings are hard to fight, but you are strong and can do this!
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    I do eat a big dinner though.. its just something about night time that makes me feel hungry.. not sure if i really am or if its just a routine i have myself on and cant get off of it =/
    I know it sounds funny, but eat a big breakfast. Must be some protein, like eggs. I also like Kashi Go Lean cereal, it keeps me full for longer. I noticed when I eat a 300-400 calories breakfast, I do not eat as much during the day and no munchies at night. Also, if you are on your pms, munchies are normal. try eating some veggies with some lemon juice, munch on carrots, etc. Avoid chips or fattening snacks. And make sure you eat at least 1200 calories/day. Do not starve yourself, starvation may cause cravings.
  • asummersbreeze
    asummersbreeze Posts: 7 Member
    I have 1 Tbs of peanut butter.. you know the kind that they make in the store with the machine... no added fats or sugars.. it works for me I also have a diet orange soda to go with it.. OR a little bit of pork rinds they are so dry and they will make you thirsty by the time you drink the water to wash them down with your craving is gone,, and your full
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions! Im not a big hot tea drinker so i will have to try the water! And save lots of calories for the night! The main problem i have is the cravings for either salty or sweet food.. i have to try to go for the healthier snacks and not the bad and that should help a bunch! I have heard the big breakfast thing works! But i am never hungry in the morning.. i dont normally get hungry until late afternoon.. maybe if i eat more during the day i wont be as hungry at night! Ill try out a bunch of things and see what works! Thanks yall!
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I know the feeling... I had a craving earlier and I ate a little bit of popcorn and I went over not calories. Just little over fat, sodium and now I feel guilty...
  • asummersbreeze
    asummersbreeze Posts: 7 Member
    I think you are right on that...
  • I don't crave salt but i do crave chocolate. So when I do, i drink Chocolate Almond milk. It's found in the baking goods section of the store. It's sweet but contains no sugar! And real yummy!
  • I always munch on ice. My favorite texture is pebble ice!!
  • eameow
    eameow Posts: 4
    I can totally sympathize with you! :smile: I have the same problem so I work out so that I can snack later or I save calories for my snack. :wink: Try a small apple sliced with 1Tb peanut butter with your water. That is about 300 calories. It will help with the sweet and salty craving and it is packed with fiber so it will fill you up. Or you could have a 100 calorie popcorn -kettle corn flavor with an 8 ounce glass of skim milk, satisfies sweet and salty and very filling with the milk and about 190 calories. You will probably need some water with that after you finish the milk and then you will be full for sure. Good luck!:happy:
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