

  • The best way to get back into something is to just start doing it again!!! Start slow and work your way up to what u were at. maybe take a brisk long walk, then the next day or 2 days take a slow jog maybe just a mile. Keep it slow till you feel good then increase the pace or the length of the run. just listen to your body…
  • Your absolutely right YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Some of the things I've noticed that helps is stick to the leaner meats like chicken, 93% lean ground beef and lean red meat. Does ur seafood alergy also pertain to white fish such as tilapia cuz its really good too!!! If so lean pork too. Watch ur sodium and fat intake the most, and…
  • Ya know, I should be complaining about staying in on Friday night like the rest of you but UNFORTUNATELY I am out, and not how I want. I work every Friday and Saturday think eating healthy is a killer on your social life??? Try being a cop :(
  • I bought this DVD last week and started it on Friday, but over the weekend I got lazy and didn't do it again until today!!! I found it much easier when I did it BEFORE my cardio LOL!!! I'll continue on with the program, my goal will be on level two this day next week!
  • Thanks for this thread! I LOVE peanut butter on apples, its my favorite snack, but like so many I can't just eat 2 Tablespoons! I'm gonna see if I can find this PB alternative locally at the health food stores!
  • congrats on joining the "wagon" this site is awesome and the people are really encouraging especially when you are having a rough go! I'll send you a friend request and we'll help each other :)
  • water aerobics is also an excellent alternative for low impact cardio training!!! i go every week on Saturday to take a break from my high impact running! its awesome!
  • I try to train every day, but at least 5-6 times a week. I like to call my exercise sessions "training" because the phase "working out" associates my brain with WORK which I associate with a negative emotion. Getting healthy and fit should not be work. Anyway..............ran 3 miles this morning in the rain........felt…
  • this is awesome! I love my crockpot and cant wait to try some of these
  • My goal is to run 50 miles by October 31
  • I seem to be having the same problem.......and since sugar in fruits and veggies is natural sugar should it even count against the goal. I was thinking the sugar would be processed sugars you know the "bad" sugar??? I'm so confused...... :(
  • You could try Splenda. I have replaced all my sugar with Splenda and no one can tell the difference
  • I also have an IFIT treadmill, not from Jillian Michaels but yes I love the runs and I have several different options depending on what my goals are!!!
  • Taylor Farms brand has a great single serving salad, packaged with fork and dressing and they come in a bunch of different kinds. The chef salad is the highest caloric value and its still only 320. And the best part is you can just throw them in your lunch cooler and not have to worry about anything else :) They are…
  • i like to get most of the food groups in for breakfast (the most important meal of the day LOL) I start with 2 or 3 hard boiled eggs-discarding the yolk- only 17 cal each, then I have a fruit, a piece of whole wheat toast with I can't believe its not butter spray -80 cal for toast 0 cal for "butter" and a glass of milk!!!…
  • Even on a short run I would still do it!! maybe not to the extreme as a longer distance run, but if you ate a pasta dish for dinner the night before it will help with your energy! But LOADING isn't necessary! Good luck with the 5K, if it helps it's only like 3 ish miles :)
  • Not suprised to find out mine is Egg Whites, Milk, and a Fiber One bar.........things I eat most every day!!!
  • Hi there, I am also new to myfitnesspal and I really don't know what I ever did without the app on my android phone!!! I find myself also looking up foods for where I intend to eat out so I can make smarter choices as well. I have been on for about 10 days and I love it. Plus Belinda, you dont HAVE to give up all sweets,…