Staying in on a Friday night?



  • CSausage
    CSausage Posts: 345
    Yes, I am also in on a Saturday night. I did go out to dinner with my mom but that doesn't count. Staying in has become the norm.

    Its not the norm for me and Im struggling with it.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I'm home every weekend...I'm a mom and a wife and I love being in our home! LOL

    That being said, you can still go out and hang out without drinking...I did it all the time (not a drinker).
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I'm home every weekend...I'm a mom and a wife and I love being in our home! LOL

    That being said, you can still go out and hang out without drinking...I did it all the time (not a drinker).
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    I have cut out alcohol for many months now, and yes I am in. we are watching Con Air, my kids had never seen it.
  • CSausage
    CSausage Posts: 345
    I could but temptation is something I'm working on...right now just removing myself is the best way to go.
  • esq2man
    esq2man Posts: 30
    Buffy rocks!
  • Yes, I am also in on a Saturday night. I did go out to dinner with my mom but that doesn't count. Staying in has become the norm.

    Its not the norm for me and Im struggling with it.

    My suggestion would be to find something you love doing at home. Maybe a video game? Maybe a workout? Catch up on that reading you've been meaning to get to? Maybe a hobby? Remote control cars? airplanes? Models? What do you like to do?
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Swap the bad drinking choices for good ones... beer is a diet killer, but vodka and soda with a bit of lime is actually pretty good (you have to get used to it, but for 70 cals each...)

    Or you could stay here and chat with us =) Cuz we're pretty awesome folks
  • CSausage
    CSausage Posts: 345
    70 cal is great for a drink...but what happens when you ahve 16 of them? hahaha

    I am enjoying chatting with all y'all!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    That's when you make yourself stumble home from the bar and call it an extra workout for the day
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I was sick with a killer flu and cold for the last two weeks, and only now starting to feel healthy again. Curled up in front of the tv in my jammies is a good way to spend a friday night while still recovering. That said I am saving myself for a big margarita party at my parent's next week. :tongue:
  • Ya know, I should be complaining about staying in on Friday night like the rest of you but UNFORTUNATELY I am out, and not how I want. I work every Friday and Saturday think eating healthy is a killer on your social life??? Try being a cop :(
  • Ya know, I should be complaining about staying in on Friday night like the rest of you but UNFORTUNATELY I am out, and not how I want. I work every Friday and Saturday think eating healthy is a killer on your social life??? Try being a cop :(

    I hear that! Sounds lonely. My uncle was a cop. Sigh. Best of luck to you.
  • MamaEggMcMuffin
    MamaEggMcMuffin Posts: 26 Member
    staying in tonight. putting in a big workout tomorrow, so I can stock up enough reserve calories to have 7 or 8 Grey Goose vodka and club sodas with lime:wink:

    My favorite!!!!
    (The drink that is, not the working out :)
  • Hmmm.... It's 4:40am and I got home about 15min ago. Didn't drink any alcohol AND I danced my *kitten* off.

    WIN/WIN for me! =D
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I love to go out, just as much as the next guy, but the impact a night out getting ****faced has on my progress, is incentive enough for me to relax at home and get to bed early. I think I'll stay in tonight too!! Man I'm gettin old, lol!!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Stayin in but not by choice... got Transformers runnin on the tube and working all weekend long. Both for school and job. Bleh. But there are definitely benefits to it. 1) Extra pay 2) no empty calorie consumption.
  • CSausage
    CSausage Posts: 345
    OK who stayed in again?
  • jas001
    jas001 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm home every night! and almost everyday for that matter. I work at home with my fiance. :D
    I may be 25, but I've never been into parties or going out. Plus I hate any type of alcohol. My fiance is the same.
    People that go out and drink confuse me? But I suppose that's due to my own dislike of parties, beer, etc. *shrug* :smile:
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