

  • im pretty sure poligamy is a belief that ppl can have more than one partner. kind of like that show sister wives? i could be thinking of the wrong thing haha and if so pls disregard this embarassing comment lol
  • I def have Wii Fit, and like a few others Id join be that the case.
  • elaborate, im not savvy to things that go on here lol
  • well i appear to have tendonitis, and i need cortisone injections. at least they figured out whats wrong with my leg. time to find other exercises for awhile lol
  • I agree with everything you have said auroranflash. Im not pushing too hard really. I am afterall 300lbs, i can only do so much before its overwhleming. Def taking small steps with my workouts, just thought it was scary that i was having issues with my leg even doing the small stuff. there has not been any full force…
  • Ok made an appointment for this friday with the Othopedic dr. ill keep ya posted so others can have future reference to this issue :)
  • thanks for the advice. Im def gonna get into the dr about it. as for rest, its been goin on for about a year now, i think ive had plenty of rest from doing nothing most of the time lol. I was just worried that trying to get fit and healthy would make it worse, as in permanently screw something up. So ill just take it easy…
  • Thanks so much to all of you for the support and great advice! today is my first day and I've already done so much to get me in the right direction! I hope each and every one of you succeed in your goals on your individual journeys. Im really glad that my nutritionist told me about this site, its so use friendly, and you…
  • thanks amgriffin! Im trying to keep some of things i really love having a part of my diet because it is hard to just cut it all out and start completely over with new and strange foods and drinks. Alot of ppl love having their coffee as a wake up in the morning, but i hate coffee lol so my go to wake up drink has been…
  • simply sassi, like you said eating things you dont like will make it more difficult, but for me, its just trying them out to see if i like them. Ive never given the good stuff a fair chance, so Im gonna give them all a go and weed out the things i cant stand lol. I def have to watch how many of the corn peas carrots and…
  • Thanks Melody! I have a long road ahead me too, I have to lose about 150lbs to be at a healthy weight for my height, but I have to do this. I have to remember that losing this weight is important and deserves my attention and effort. in the past i would start out good for the first week and just get tired of it and go back…
  • Now I dont know how or when you eat your meals, but it was also suggested to me to do frequent tiny snacks every 1 or 2 hrs to keep up my metabolism. Like eat two crackers every hour or so, or eat a couple grapes. And making sure your main meals arent large, if you can spread the calories through out the day and not let…
  • Thanks vipergts! tho this is my first day I dont have a clue how to add ppl yet, but im gonna try to lol
  • Well I had a chat yesterday with my nutritionist, and she suggested that eating healthy and still not losing weight doesnt mean ur dieting wrong food wise. It could easily be what you're drinking, an estimated avg of 21% of our drinks contirbute to our weight gains. Like too much soda, or too much sweet tea, not enough…
  • Well I bought a bag of mixed fresh veggies, like raw califlower? broccoli and carrots. I also bought some light ranch dressing to dip them in, see how that goes. I tried salad many years ago, with italian dressing, I loved the dressing taste, but i wasnt too impressed with the lettuce. Im still going to continue trying…