Help! Help! HELP!

I am 34yrs old and consider myself to be pretty active. I work full-time, manage our business on the side, work on the farm, love to garden and I have two young children (2 and 5yr). So I stay active and rarely sit. However, today is my 15th day of logging in and I haven't lost a single pound. Because we own and operate a farm, we have fresh pork and beef available to us so I am getting protein..also I have been sure to add in plenty of fruits and veggies. I don't understand what I am doing wrong! Any suggestions would be great!


  • Srmmelson
    Srmmelson Posts: 31
    I'm kind of in the same situation...only I'm not as hard at work (though I try to make up for it with workouts). I would take a look at your water consumption and make sure that you are not eating too little calories. I think that may be my problem is that I'm not eating enough and so my body is going into starvation mode...or so I'm told. I'm really no expert, but these have been things that have worked for me anyway. Maybe you are replacing fat with muscle too....I hope that's what is happening for me!
  • Well I had a chat yesterday with my nutritionist, and she suggested that eating healthy and still not losing weight doesnt mean ur dieting wrong food wise.
    It could easily be what you're drinking, an estimated avg of 21% of our drinks contirbute to our weight gains. Like too much soda, or too much sweet tea, not enough water based drinks, or even drinking too much healthy juices.

    And since you are so active already as in before you started your dieting, it could very wel be that your body is used to the routine therefore results arent happening. So maybe try shaking things up a bit, doing different activities that are good for you, but not something you normally do?

    and also remember portion control! fresh foods are always great, but we sometimes eat more than we should because we think " well its healthy"

    I hope this helps!
  • timsusu0
    timsusu0 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the response! Yeah, I guess maybe increasing my water will help. I usually only get in about 5 or 6 glasses a day! I also wondered too if I was not eating enough but sometimes I'm just not hungry. I've been trying harder to at least get within 100 calories of my goal. I have also been running on the treadmill when I'm not outside working in the yard or cleaning horse stalls! LOL I do feel really good but just frustrated I'm not seeing the number on the scale go down!
  • Maybe try the calorie cycling ? I have read it can help if you are not losing.
  • Now I dont know how or when you eat your meals,
    but it was also suggested to me to do frequent tiny snacks every 1 or 2 hrs to keep up my metabolism.

    Like eat two crackers every hour or so, or eat a couple grapes.

    And making sure your main meals arent large, if you can spread the calories through out the day and not let large meals in, youre body should be able to work off the unwanted weight.

    I thought i could get by by simply staying in calorie goal, but my lunch and dinner meals were large and tired my body out trying to process it, and ended up storing it as fat, so I just made smaller lunches and dinners and made simple tasty little snacks through out the day.
    now granted i have fallen off the wagon as this was a cpl yrs ago, but i was gettin results.
  • CHAREZ27
    CHAREZ27 Posts: 6 Member
    I am with the "you are replacing fat with muscle" theory!! Seriously, it may be true! Do you notice if your clothes fit any better?
  • acmilan11
    acmilan11 Posts: 36 Member
    The scale is very discouraging, when your clothes start to fit looser, you're losing weight!!!
  • timsusu0
    timsusu0 Posts: 4
    Now I dont know how or when you eat your meals,
    but it was also suggested to me to do frequent tiny snacks every 1 or 2 hrs to keep up my metabolism.

    Like eat two crackers every hour or so, or eat a couple grapes.

    And making sure your main meals arent large, if you can spread the calories through out the day and not let large meals in, youre body should be able to work off the unwanted weight.

    I thought i could get by by simply staying in calorie goal, but my lunch and dinner meals were large and tired my body out trying to process it, and ended up storing it as fat, so I just made smaller lunches and dinners and made simple tasty little snacks through out the day.
    now granted i have fallen off the wagon as this was a cpl yrs ago, but i was gettin results.

    I actually eat 6 small meals a day: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack. I learned this when I did Weight Watchers years ago.
  • timsusu0
    timsusu0 Posts: 4
    I am with the "you are replacing fat with muscle" theory!! Seriously, it may be true! Do you notice if your clothes fit any better?

    I do notice some of my clothes fit better (still not like I want, LOL) and I feel great!