tessa113 Member


  • No it did not work for me, I craved unhealthy foods all the time whereas I usually have a healthy diet and rarely crave rubbish foods. I was always exhausted and my exercise dropped to nearly nothing, I'm sure that it does work for some if not most people but I tried it for 5 months, lost nothing and felt terrible.
  • Hi, I was hoping to see if you got any replies as I am in the same situation. I started taking Dianette for acne and gained 7lbs in 8 weeks then my doctor changed me to Jasmin and I gained a further 7 lbs, they have just changed me to another but I'm coming off it and going to lose the weight again then give it another try…
  • I used to only do circuits once a week as it is such a good full body workout I would focus on weights or cadio other days. Though tbh I was in such pain all over for the rest of the week don't think I'd manage more than a couple of classes a week. Stopped doing it though when I broke my foot in a circuits class and ended…
  • Totally know how you feel, seems like everyone around me can eat whatever they like when I pile on the pounds just looking at their lunch. You have come so far though though you must be so pleased with how well you have done, pat yourslef on the back and have a day off. Sarah xx