Welcome! If you want to learn more about hypo, feel free to join the MFP group: It's good to know other people are fighting that same uphill battle, and that others with the same condition are finding ways to succeed. I started at 300 and I've…
I just had my dosage cut drastically, so I got to relive all of this last month: depression hair loss (just in the eyebrows) difficulty focusing the kind of deep, unending lethargy that caffeine cannot even touch Pretty standard, I guess. Even now that they've bumped my dosage back up, I still seem to feel more lethargic…
I, too, met my fiance on okcupid. Maybe some people are scared off because you have kids? IDK.
Wow, that mybodygallery site is fascinating! Thanks for the link.
Is resistance/strength training an option for you? It generally doesn't raise your bpm nearly as much as cardio, but still helps raise your metabolism by adding muscle.
LMAO. BTW, you have great definition in your shoulders and arms, some day down the road I hope mine are that cut.
Yeah, personally I think it's actually less gross than having sweat literally dripping into my eyeballs and the neck of my shirt.
Thanks for the input. Yeah, I think I'm probably going to want hormones and top surgery, probably not bottom. Just don't want people to be weirded out by my voice changing, facial hair, etc. while I'm still clearly not passing due to fat distribution and whatnot.
I'm very nervous about my recent dosage reduction too, even though my labs showed that I was going a hyper I think my doctor's response was waaaaaaaay too drastic. I was on 150mcg levo and 60mg armour, and she removed the levo COMPLETELY. I've already gained back 5 lbs and even though I wasn't behaving very well, diet and…
Crickets... none of you guys have any input on the whole transition before or after weight loss thing?
Have any of you guys postponed your transitions for weight loss reasons? I'm pretty sure now that I will want to transition at some point, but I'm skeptical about my ability to pass at this weight. The last thing I want to do is transition and find that I still hate my body. Am I crazy for putting this off till I at least…
I don't think it's the meds either, I did not notice a change in my tolerance when I started medication. If you want to get from sober to donezo more slowly, spacing your drinks out with food and water is a good plan. Preferably lower calorie foods... hard pretzels aren't too terrible, and they go well with beer :)
I've been taking a pretty low dose (25mg) for a couple months now, haven't noticed any huge improvements but I haven't had trouble with acne or other side effects either. Thinking about increasing the dose soon.
I was a bit late starting, but I'm on there now.
You can try searching the main forums or the success stories for shred photos, I know I've seen some there.
I hate Jillian Michaels and I hate her stupid face. So no, I haven't been able to make it through all 30 days consistently and record results. It's a good workout though.
That's really cool, thanks for working your spreadsheet magic!
Absolutely no idea how I lost weight this weekend, last time I checked I had gained instead but it just disappeared. Christmas miracle? lol. I've been indulging LOTS, this week I'll be back on my best behavior.
Thanks for the recommendation- a couple weeks ago my doc denied my scrip refill right before I went out of town and I tried to look for a supplement as a temporary substitute, but couldn't find anything. I did read that many thyroid supplements do contain actual thyroid hormone, but I couldn't figure out which ones.
I just noticed that I hit my 6% too- LAST week! Now the rest is just gravy, I'd love to hit 250 by the end of the year.
I hope I don't start to have this problem once I've lost most of my weight. So far I've been losing reasonably fast, but I'm afraid it's just because I was so heavy to start off (~300lbs). I know some slowdown is inevitable, but I'm afraid I wouldn't/ stay dedicated if I were putting in that much work and losing so slowly.…
I got really sick last night, so I'm not sure my weight should really "count", but I logged it anyway. This is not how I wanted to break into the 250's. :(
Don't be, it's no big deal! You can just add yourself back if you still wanna do it.
I've heard a lot of other people say they don't log weight gain either. I log my gain, and I log when I lose it back- just because I've already lost those pounds once, doesn't make them any easier to lose the second time, and I still deserve credit!
I log EVERYthing, even if I drink a whole case of beer. If I'm going to be bad, the least I can do is be honest with myself about it.
I think you just have to take out the spaces from between the brackets, let's try this.
Remember- it's weigh-in day! Keep up the good work guys!
I'm not sure if this is a hypo thing or not- do you guys get really bad sugar/carb crashes? Mine are terrible, and especially now that I'm restricting calories I have to eat mostly protein/fat for breakfast or I will crash so bad I start guzzling soda or candy just because it's the fastest way to get rid of that terrible…
Yes, you probably will. Unfortunately, it's a treatment- not a cure. The same is true of all thyroid replacement meds, as far as I know. You can give your body what it should be pumping out itself, but you can't permanently fix that pump. Hopefully this will seem less depressing when your dosage gets sorted and your…
What a crappy week for me :( I cheated so hard on Saturday night that I'm 3-4 pounds up from yesterday morning's weigh-in.