Aspartame and splenda make me sick.Migraines,tiredness,restless leg-all of those are now going away since I stopped the diet drinks.
I was just looking into the agave nectar,some say it is like high fructose corn syrup-does nayone here use agave nectar and are losing weight?
Thanks everyone!
Thanks! I love it as well!
Hge thank u to everyone who replied! Wonderful answers by all!
I use my Jillian ultimate body shop for weight training,it uses your own body weight(plus resistance cords) like the total gym.I was using hand weights before I got it,and it has helped me so much
Is it working for you? I prefer more strength days than two,but thats just me.
High intensity interval training(I had to look it up,lol):happy:
Awesome thanks!!
Thanks! Right now I am not killing the cardio,but I do what feels like a mild jog on the elliptical for around 20-30 min.I would like to increase that to an hour eventually.
Congratulations on making a decision to get healthy! :)