Walking? Can you do it too much?

Ok I know that we need days to recover but does that count when you are walking? We have finally been having some pretty days here where I live(blue skies)and for the past two days I have been fast walking,averaging 3-4 miles and hour.My question is should I go again tomorrow or would that be too much? I just love being outside for a change instead of the elliptical


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Just do it!! If you want to you can take it a little easier, but I walk every day. It is a very good exercise and doesn't damage things that you need to heal from.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    I do believe people need at least a day during the week to rest, but there isn't any problem going 3 days in a row though!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't think you can walk too much. It really doesn't put any strain on your body.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    Everything in moderation, but if you're not in pain, do it.

    And yes, you can walk too much. I was training for a 5 mile walk (back when I really couldn't walk more than a few hundred feet without getting winded) and trained too hard and developed some pretty severe tendonitis. I've since learned that "no pain, no gain" is total BS and I train like a sensible person.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I walk as much as possible (15,000 steps/day is my goal). However, I've been walking so much that I injured my foot! I've had to take it easy this week. So, maybe there should be a limit, but I usually don't have rest days.
  • PDXContessa
    PDXContessa Posts: 49 Member
    If you have no injuries and decent shoes, you cannot walk too much. Listen to your body. If you develop pain, then it's time to back off a bit, otherwise you should be fine.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    the human body is capable of so much. as long as you're not running marathons or lifting extremely heavy daily, there is no need for rest days. keep on walking! i wish that warm weather would come over here to Ohio.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    You need at least one rest day every ten days, and one or two every week is recommended. If you've not hit that yet, then walk away!
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    the human body is capable of so much. as long as you're not running marathons or lifting extremely heavy daily, there is no need for rest days. keep on walking! i wish that warm weather would come over here to Ohio.

    Rest days are suggested because they allow the body time to recover, let the muscles get rid of stored tension, and prevent against injury.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    the human body is capable of so much. as long as you're not running marathons or lifting extremely heavy daily, there is no need for rest days. keep on walking! i wish that warm weather would come over here to Ohio.

    Rest days are suggested because they allow the body time to recover, let the muscles get rid of stored tension, and prevent against injury.

    yep i agree with you if you're training hard/fast/heavy...however, walking every day if you're in relatively good shape will not hurt you if you stretch, have good shoes, and listen to your body. i run a 5k three times a week and walk miles on days i don't run, i have been doing this for a long while and have had no ill effects from it. granted i'm 21 and used to compete in athletics.
  • 80sFanatic88
    80sFanatic88 Posts: 70 Member
    I walk every day. You don't have to walk fast all the time, though. In the city I have to stop or slow down sometimes during my walk anyways. But, I think walking is some of the best exercise you can get. People used to have to walk a lot more. You know, before we had cars and buses. It kept them fit, so it'll keep us fit, right?
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    As long as you are used to it. Take it from me...I am ok with walking 5 miles....I feel like I am physically ready for it, but my feet can't take it. Last September or October, I developed a stress fracture in my right foot after walking. I was in a air boot for about 4 weeks. Two weeks ago, I got on the treadmill while watching a movie in the Cinema room at our gym. Started having some foot pain in the bottom of my other foot that evening. It progressed over the next two weeks to the point where I couldn't put any weight on it. I thought it was another fracture. My orthopedic has me in a weird looking walking shoe called a Darco shoe (it doesn't have a sole under the toes) because my metarsal bone area is inflamed from overuse (from the treadmill).
  • fitnessmare
    fitnessmare Posts: 117
    I think you can do it every day and it won't be too much. I had a job a few years ago where I walked horses out to their pastures for 45-60 min every morning . After about a year I had lost 2 pant sizes without even trying! So I am a big believer in walking and outdoors is the best place! I'm loving the mild weather right now!
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    I think you can do it every day and it won't be too much. I had a job a few years ago where I walked horses out to their pastures for 45-60 min every morning . After about a year I had lost 2 pant sizes without even trying! So I am a big believer in walking and outdoors is the best place! I'm loving the mild weather right now!

    totally agree with everything said here. i worked in retail for four years and was walking/speed walking around a large department store for 25-40 hours a week. i lost a ton of weight, felt great and never have had any issues. that being said, if you have ever had foot/knee/hip or other issues with parts used with walking...talk to your doctor before starting a serious walking regimen.
  • lynn413
    lynn413 Posts: 40
    I listen to my body. I try to walk every day re: 30 minutes on treadmill first thing in the morning to get my metabolism going and then outdoor walking for 45 - 90 + minutes. I do have days where my feet hurt and or my shins so then I take a day off.
    I also alternate my speed while walking. Each day is different with some days being a full out power walk and other days a slower walk. Some days I go for 2 or 3 walks but then I love walking plus I have a dog who needs exercise as well.
    I don't believe that you can walk too much but you have to listen to your body. It will tell you when its too much and when to take a break.
    I have lost 30.3 lbs since January 3, 2013 from watching what I eat and doing lots of walking!

  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    the human body is capable of so much. as long as you're not running marathons or lifting extremely heavy daily, there is no need for rest days. keep on walking! i wish that warm weather would come over here to Ohio.

    Rest days are suggested because they allow the body time to recover, let the muscles get rid of stored tension, and prevent against injury.

    I actually use walking as active recovery days - still allows muscles to recover from lifting - but at least I am moving and not just sitting on the couch :-)
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Walking is usually a low intensity exercise so it's not really going to suddenly jump out and injure you with no warning. The main concern is overuse injuries in the joints and tendons and since you should feel those coming on, you'll know when to ease off.
  • crazygunchick
    crazygunchick Posts: 15 Member
    Hge thank u to everyone who replied! Wonderful answers by all!