

  • I have a friend who lost a lot of weight and to be honest it made him look ill, I didn't have the heart to say so and followed with the usual. I have worried slightly that although I will be much healthier if I get my weight off I would be gutted if it added 10 years to me.
  • I don't think age is relevant anywhere but particularly here where we are all looking for help and support.
    in Age bias? Comment by iowrob April 2012
  • I do it sometimes but only if I'm cooking something I think is wow, until i started trying to get the weight off I use to go to some top end restaurants and use to take pics there too, I'm just a complete foodie I suppose.
  • Yep I agree for me MFP is more of an online food diary where I can see what I have had during the day. I'm hoping when I do my first weigh in since I started here I will be able to stick two fingers up at MFP as it keeps telling me I'm going to put weight on and as I have stuck to SW I shouldn't. Stick with SW and you will…
  • Ex British Army/ Territorial soldier although not worn green for many many years.
    in Military? Comment by iowrob April 2012