JAN 19, 2014 a whole 45min talking about PCOS on their radio show, real recent.
THIS is the article!! Also their radio show (FREE Podcast) is motivating and cannot stress it enough! iPod capabilities so you can listen while you drive. OR CLEAN! Or lift weights or ride…
Hey Girl, try listening to these ladies., they have a radio show you can down load to your ipod and filter for PCOS! Awesome. They talk about food and how to balance your diet to prevent such things. It can't hurt and can only help. I've been having episodes while I have been trying to get my diet…
I think all points are valid. I agree, its hard to be happy with me. I'm surrounded by great friends who give me compliments constantly, but that isn't who I see in the mirror. Years of being tormented because I was "FAT" stick with me. I get the impression from media, "I'm not there yet" "Thinner. Fitter. More feminine.…