

  • Hi Suzsanne, I am also starting week 4. BR is a great program. I think with your past history of P90 x you may find this program doable. I am a 39 year old mother who also works full time. My story is I have gained 25 lbs over the past two years, and haven't really exercised consistantly for along time. I am overweight…
  • Yeah me too. I can't stand MiMi either. LMAO. The guy I like on there is David. Jillian said he did really good squirms today. Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Doing really good. On week 3. I am really sweating this week!!!! Is anyone sore? I am 39 so I am not as flexible as a used to be. I am trying to push myself but know if I can't I am just going to keep the best form I can do to avoid injury. Does anyone feel nauseous throughout the day or during exercise? I do I am trying…
  • This is how I did it. I think this is how you are supposed to do it. Day 1 , Then Day 2, Then Cardio CD,Then Day 1,Day 2, Cardio then on the 7th day you take a break (no exercise) then repeat the entire rotation again for week 2. By then you really feel alittle more stronger and confident!!!
  • Good Luck!!! Yeah I didn't do the actual meal plan or the kick start to the T I am just following a 1200 calorie diet based off the My Plate guidelines, because I want to do this long term.
  • Awesome, Thank you for joining this group. I just started week 3. Today I really had a great workout. I feel so much better too.
  • Good Luck!!!!
  • No I didn't. I just ate normally and stayed within my calorie range of 1200 calories. I still saw a difference in the way my clothes fit but not on the scale as others are saying. I am proud of myself because I am consistent both with the diet and the exercise part that what counts I guess.
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