

  • Welcome to the site. Hope your journey to weight loss is successful. I added you as a friend.
  • Welcome. I've only been on here since September but so far have been welcomed with plenty of support. Hope you like it here. Angie
  • I know how you feel. People are always telling me that they wished they weighed what I do but it's the stomach I have such a problem with and it gets very depressing when I workout very hard 5 days a week and do ab exercises and it never goes away. I just joined a couple of weeks ago but already have had supporters give me…
  • Sounds like your doing a great job so far. I wish I could say the same. It seems like I've stuck at a certain weight for awhile and it's very frustrating but I believe I can do it. My husband supports me in my goals. I workout 5 days a week, an hour to an hour and a half and he doesn't mind that I don't get home until…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I think my BMI is at a normal range. I am 5'3 and 140. I would like to get to at least to 125-130. But my stomach is my main frustration. I've been working out strong for 3-4 years now but nothing seems to help me get a flat tummy. I do ab exercises all the time and don't know what I'm doing…