

  • ************************************************************************************************************ Me too! I'm on board! Start weight on 6/1/09 254.4lbs. :explode: Goal weight on 7/31/09 220lbs. :happy: Goal Loss 34.4lbs.+ :blushing: Am I being realistic? I hope so! Do I think I can do it? You betch'ya...good…
  • Alrighty, count me in too! Although I'll have to go pick up the DVD...does Walmart carry it in store? Anyone know? Yay! I'm new to MFP, and am hopeful that I'll FINALLY lose my 100+ pounds! I went to an open audition for the Biggest Loser here in San Diego Co., got the callback but unfortunately didn't make the final…
  • Hello all, Me too, in regards to trying to lose weight but I've been substanially heavy 200lbs+ for the last 13 years. Two daughters were more or less the starting cause, but why I haven't lost is more of a mystery to me. I know how to eat healthy but exercize has never been my strength (no pun intended!). I've been on WW,…
    in Hi Comment by Redmom May 2009