

  • I love my Evolv Shakes, and the other products as well. I tried Visalus and they were way too sweet for me, plus I don't like the fake sugar substitute they put in them. There's nothing wrong with drinking an honest healthy shake, but nothing replaces eating right. You have to eat healthy also.
  • If you haven't gotten your money back yet, that's wrong. Who sold them to you? Get back with them and let them fight for you to get your money back, but make sure you have some proof that you tried. $200 dollars is a lot of money, so I would try again.
  • I was feeling some aches and pains also when getting out of bed. Have you tried Limitless? I've been using it and I don't have anymore issues. It fights fatigue, Free Radicals, Promotes Joint Comfort, Supports Flexability. I loved the product so much I decided to promote it, so if you have any questions, message me. :happy:
  • Are you still doing Visalus?
  • No matter what anyone else says, you need to be happy with who you're with. Everyone else needs to step aside, and let you live your life. I always had people tell me how I felt, what I did wrong, blah blah blah. I have a friend that got divorced, and at every family gathering, her family would invite the ex husband and…
    in Break Ups? Comment by Maile4u April 2013
  • I would love to have some new friends also. :-) I'm starting a new journey today. Thanks!
  • I'm not hungry either in the morning, so I'm now drinking an awesome shake in the morning that I can add my choice of flavors to. It's very healthy and tastes awesome! The shake mix itself is only 130 calories, so depending on what you use with it, can make the calories go up. I just use water or coconut water to keep the…