Iced coffee black. The biggist size they have for some reason I don't like my coffee hot. Even in winter at home I make it iced weird right
Ya I just had blood work drawn yesterday to test for diabetes. I go next week to find out the results All my blood glucose levels came back normal. But with the thirst thing she wanted to be sure.
Thanks guys I do sweat a lot. I have always drank a lot but it was junk drinks like diet sodas. I will defiantly track my salts and up them some. That's a worry of my mind thank again for the info. You guys rock.
Good news guys I just found the search button for the forums. I know right. Well I have figured out that for the chicken wings. I should let them thaw then weigh them before cooking.. And weigh my other meats before cooking. I appreciate all the topics and answer my fellow mfp members have posted I have found most of my…