

  • I used to be the same way. when i first started, over a year ago, i dropped over 20 lbs really fast. Then, i would say things lik e "i just lost 20 pounds. . . i can totally have this" then i would say it again and again. Eventually, i gained back not only what i lost, but about 10lbs more. THIS TIME i have a trick. I try…
  • [quote/] this ^ I realize I tended to avoid cameras back when I was 40lbs heavier. I was embarrassed of pictures. But now that I'm getting in better shape I don't mind taking pictures as much, and like to compare my before and after... its great motivation, and now I wish I had kept some of my older pictures for more…
  • I was actually going to ask a similar question. I work 10 -12 hours shifts a day, and there is a very strict break sched. set up. I eat my "breakfast" at 5am. Then by 9am, im hungry again, so i started splitting my breakfast up. half at five and half at 9. Then i did the same thing with my lunch, half at noon and the rest…
  • Thankyou ALL of you. it feels good that i can share this with someone with out being embarrassed about it =] Teresa, the green tea thing, i haven't checked but do you know anything about the sodium in REGULAR tea? I am a southern girl and i grew up of that thick sweet tea. . . i miss it!! if i could allow myself ONE "bad"…
  • I honestly think you might be worrying a bit too much. I understand your concern, however, not too many people will notice. they way you and your husband act together tells more than the ring on your finger. Sometimes i see couples wearing very nice rings that are obviously not even speaking to each other. If its makes you…
  • Does MFP give you a set sodium level to maintain? i did not find one and they set everything else up so i was just assuming they would. i caught myself drinking a diet soda and noticed the sodium level. should i be cutting back on the diet soda because of the sodium? could anyone help me with this? please? id appreciate it…