kradtke124 Member


  • I just want to add that for me this isn't always true - when I bloat around my TOM, I BLOAT. I try not to even take measurements then.
  • Maybe you could start taking some measurements - hips, waist, bust, whatever you feel is your worst area. Sometimes I'm not dropping weight on the scale, but my measurements decrease and I'm perfectly fine with that because I most likely replaced the fat with muscle (and my tummy is smaller!)
  • I'm always over on sugar too, I look through the day and see where the sugar came from. If, like today, it was mostly fruit, then I don't care. If it came from something else (cereal, bread, etc) then I look for a different brand next time I go shopping. I personally feel that the added, processed sugars are the ones I…
  • Can I be added to 11th team?
  • I did it, but you may want to know that the weights 136-139 are not included in the ranges - maybe you want to fix that?
  • You could try a recipe like this: It has carrots, raisins and nuts and uses applesauce instead of butter. A healthier version of cake would be delicious plus not make you feel too guilty.
  • I just wanted to add for the OP, some of the fish mentioned in this thread (particularly Tuna and Swordfish) are high in mercury. If you're planning on having children and especially if you trying to conceive or pregnant, check on the mercury levels of the fish before you buy.