I am so bad at this :(

mini72 Posts: 59 Member
After giving up cigarettes over 5 weeks ago I started excercising and eating better.I joined MFP and was taking in 1200 cals.Nothing happened.No weight loss.I am 5'4'' and weigh 170lbs

So,yesterday after reading lots on here I upped my cals.I have just completed my diary for the day and not enough protein at ll.

Now I am worried that I am going to be up on the scales on Monday and I just dont think I can take the disappointment..I am so sad about this.I have tears in my eyes right now and am wondering should I just throw my hat at it and accept that i am going to be like this :(


  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Don't throw in the towel. I started out the same weight (and height) as you this year and I am currently 146 and a size 6. It takes time.

    Quiting smoking is HUGE and can be stressful itself. Just keep working out and keep up with the calories and it will come off.
  • bnpgemini
    bnpgemini Posts: 1
    Whatever you do DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! For all its worth, invest in yourself, picture your goal and work toward it. It will be difficult and there will be times when you want to say FORGET THIS BUT.....DONT :-) the process is generally SLOW but the results are GREAT. Remember, you should be focusing on making lifestyle changes for the long run not dieting for short term. I BET that you CAN do this AND YOU WILL. I believe in you and if you mess up or feel discouraged one day, go with it and start over again the NEXT day :-)
  • mini72
    mini72 Posts: 59 Member

    It is a lifestyle change I am aiming for but just feel that if my weight keeps creeping up then its not going to be a healthy lifestyle!
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    Don't give up!!! You can do this; you just need to stick it out. It will eventually start to come off. What's the alternative? If you don't take charge of your life now, when will you? I know you can do it.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    If you're dreading the scales on Monday...don't get on them. Take your measurements instead. Chances are they'll either stay the same or dip marginally. Measurements are better for your moral than weight anyway, it gives a better idea of your progress. I know my weight varies depending on my bowl movements and where I stand on the things, so I don't trust them, but the tape measure? That never lies to me. Never gives me false hope or crushing lies.
  • mlfowler
    mlfowler Posts: 15
    Tomorrow is a new day! Work on choosing more healthy proteins so you are reaching that goal. Don't let the scale be the judge all. Have you taken measurements? Nothing is more satisifying than loosing an inch even when the scale hasn't budged!! Don't give up, keep trying and see what works for you!
  • kradtke124
    kradtke124 Posts: 8 Member
    Maybe you could start taking some measurements - hips, waist, bust, whatever you feel is your worst area. Sometimes I'm not dropping weight on the scale, but my measurements decrease and I'm perfectly fine with that because I most likely replaced the fat with muscle (and my tummy is smaller!)
  • kradtke124
    kradtke124 Posts: 8 Member
    but the tape measure? That never lies to me. Never gives me false hope or crushing lies.

    I just want to add that for me this isn't always true - when I bloat around my TOM, I BLOAT. I try not to even take measurements then.
  • slb45
    slb45 Posts: 2 Member
    Quitters never win and winners never quit. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Choose. Act. Succeed.

    Just as you did with smokes.
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    "Whether you think you can or you can't you are right"
    Don't give up, it all takes time. Every person's body is different; you just have to figure out what works for you. I can't promise there will only be good days, there will be bad days, days you want to scream and shout and pull your hair out, I can only promise that if you stick with it and keep trying it will be worth it! You and your health are worth this, don't stop now! We believe in you, we have all been there :)