

  • Welcome and best of luck! U will learn to love this site!!
  • Welcome and best of luck in the new year!
  • Hummus and Special K crackers (90 calories for about 15 crackers) or veggies., Cottage cheese with apple butter or apple sauce, Nature Valley makes great granola bars ( 90 calories for 1 bar) the crunch helps when I feel I need something bad they make a great chocolate one "yum" . String cheese they have a 50 calorie ones…
  • That is alot of calories.... I only get 1200 but always have extra with exercise.. You could try adding some fat free cottage cheese (high in protein) with some apple butter. Laughing cow cheese-one square is only like 25 calories and it tastes great on toast with some polaner all fruit (great when you need something…
  • Hi Heather...... Don't get discouraged! It will start moving just stick to the calories and exercise and stay positive!! Next week you might be down two pounds but don't go by the losing 2 a week, i put that in too and I only lost two pounds one week and one the rest. Everyone is different and sometimes it takes a while…
  • Cottage cheese with jam would be a good protein/carb snack or you could try special k wheat crackers-only 90 calories for 17. Sara lee makes a great 45 calorie a slice wheat bread if you still want bread with less calories... Oh, and Polaner all fruit makes really good jelly only flavored with fruit juice and the calories…
  • FYI; thanks aes14 for the compliment but my profile pic is what I want to look like! It is kind of my goal pic!! I was around 140 in that pic.. i am currently 165 and 5'8. My BMI is 25 and according to this site my BMR should be around 1450 or so. I don't have any medical issues, I have alot of diabetics in my family so…
  • Ok, quick question.....I want to make sure I understand you BMR. I calculated it and it came out to 1490and as I understand that is the calories needs with no activity. So, here is the question....If I am taking in 1200 without exercise maybe 1300 with activity is that enough????? I just not sure I know how to determine…
  • When I say under I mean with calories from exercise! I want the extra calories so I exercise but then I don't use all the extras... I think I will try adding different ways of burning fat.... I have Billy Blanks boot camp and some others I can try in between the walking. So you don't think I need to up my calories to 1350…
  • You can try Yogurt in it for protein and carb combo. Also applebutter or cinnamin gives it some flavor. Yogurt is my favorite!!!
  • Do you have room for one more? Please!!!! I would love to be part of your group and I love the idea of being held accountable. You guys have permission to yell at me if i slack off. My goal: I would like to feel good in my clothing and look great for my anniversary in August. I'm turning 37 in July and the closer I get to…