Anyone find it hard to reach their calorie goal ?

Hi all, I'm relatively new here.......well.....I am new here. Hi.

So, I downloaded the myfitnesspal app onto my iphone 2 or 3 weeks ago. I think it is excellent by the way.

I have my calorie goal of 1890 a day.I have cut out all the crap I previously ate eg. Chippy on a friday tea time, kids to McD's sat afternoon, chinese takeaway sat night after a few beers, sausage-bacon-egg butty thursday morning, BLT once or twice during the week for lunch etc, etc, I have never had a sweet tooth and very rarely ate biccies and never eat deserts/cake.

I now eat 5 or 6 times a day but find it hard to get to my goal every day !

Today I have had......

Poached egg on toast 164 cals

Banana 105
2 x Satsuma 66

Chicken breast cooked in
-spicy tom sauce with
-brown rice(split into 2 meals) 1075

Gala apple 80

Tin of tuna 146
Total............................................1636 !

I am stuffed, I cant eat anymore plus, I have done a workout so I could probably knock 200-300 cals off that total.

Anyone else have this problem ?
Does it realy matter if I am a couple hundred cals off for normal bodily functions ? (I dont want to lose any muscle)
Anyone know of a calorie topping up food that isnt high fat and is small in volume?



  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    my calorie goal is 1200 per day and i find it hard to eat that. try drinking a glass of milk or something to finish off those last calories.
  • hbarber85
    hbarber85 Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe try adding some sides of veggies with your dinner. Not many more calories, depending on how you cook them, but they may help to balance it out a bit better! =]
  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello! I have the opposite calorie goal is set at 1200 but at times I am still super hungry and yes sometimes I don't eat enough and I get the message that I should be careful to eat more food.

    I think what you have to remember is that everyones metabolism is so different. If your brain is not telling your body that it needs food, then I wouldn't worry about stuffing yourself because that is unhealthy. Listen to your body, it will ultimately tell you exactly what it needs!

    Keep up the good work :happy:
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    My calorie allotment is 1400 plus any exercise calories. I find it difficult every day to eat that many calories especially since fruits and veggies only add up to a few calories. I have started adding hummus, soy yogurt, etc. to round out the day. Of course, I would rather add chocolate cake :laugh:
  • jcompton3821
    Sorry I have no advice...I have 1200 a day and most days that's not enough.:grumble: ..I usually exercise to get more cals!!:blushing:

    But I am curious to know what a biccies is??????????:tongue:
  • dooozie
    dooozie Posts: 3
    Sorry, jcompton.

    Must be a UK thing biccies = biscuits.
  • jmjones2002
    I have been seeing the same thing with myself..I am allowed 1630 calories a day and I usually have anywhere from 200-450 left over..Today I have 716 but that's because I just burned 295 caories doing a work-out..My friend thinks I'm starving myself but I do feel satisfied..I even bought some of those skinny cow desserts for the days that I have alot left over and I'm craving something sweet!!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141

    also, i'd try balancing out your meals more - like have 3 x 400cal meals and 2 x 200cal snacks (approximately)

    i had success when i took my daily total and divided it into equal meal and snack calorie blocks, it keeps my body running evenly all day rather than on bare minimum and sluggish, then having a huge meal to try and break down.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    nuts, milk, granola, maybe avacado.... this stuff is good for you.. and milk is one of the first things we cut from our diets. Are you drinking any milk??
  • helenhaas
    helenhaas Posts: 12
    That is alot of calories.... I only get 1200 but always have extra with exercise.. You could try adding some fat free cottage cheese (high in protein) with some apple butter. Laughing cow cheese-one square is only like 25 calories and it tastes great on toast with some polaner all fruit (great when you need something sweet) or try some crackers. Special K makes great crackers 90 calories for 17. Love those with hummus or cheese! String cheese would be a good snack with a piece of fruit!

    I hope this was of luck to you
  • sexysweet99
    i have that same problem i have to eat 1510 calories today now im stuff and have 800 to go im not hungry i had 500 but burn like 225 so nowi have eight left i hope this dont hurt me what do ya'll think??
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I say eating a bigger breakfast would help you to reach your cals for the day. I usually go for a 350-400cal breakfast.
    A smoothie with banana and peanut butter would be something yummy but not too explodey filling.
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    I have 1200 calories a day, and there are times when I find it hard to meet that. But I have started to eat a bigger breakfast and adding milk to my diet really helps. Try drinking a glass of milk with breakfast or dinner. I hope this helps a little. Good luck with your journey to a healthier you!
  • dooozie
    dooozie Posts: 3
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    Helen mentioned that 1890 cals is a lot............heres a bit of background.

    I am Male, 6'0" tall, I am a kitchen installer so my job is very active - always on the move, lifting etc. I didnt really overeat (I pigged out sometimes but nothing horrendous) I just liked to eat the wrong kind of things.

    I started at 14.8 stone (204 lb) I am trying(going) to get to 13 stone (182 lb) I will then re-assess my goal if needed. If my love handles have gone by then I will be well chuffed.

    A few of you have mentioned drinking milk. I used to love ice cold milk when I was younger but now it leaves that clacky feeling in the back of my throat so, I'd rather not.

    Some of you mentioned having a bigger breakfast........I think this is a good idea and not one that I thought about. I love the poached egg on toasted wholemeal with lots of pepper so I will make it two slices and maybe two eggs or even an omlet ! OMG I could sprinkle a tiny amount of mature cheddar on, no I, NO.

    I think with it been my first few weeks on this journey to healthy-dom I have been a bit cautious not wanting to over do things during the early part of the day which could then set me up for a fall later on.

    Having said all that, I have been losing weight steadily....... 2-3 pound per week so I cant be under doing things that much, can I ?
    All I am worried about is losing muscle by not eating correctly, I want to keep what I have got, not turn into that guy from the old Mr.Muscle(cleaning product) advert !

    Cheers everyone.