

  • Thank you for the information. I never knew how many calories I was burning in any given weight training session. However, isn't the value in terms of fat burning in weightlifting not the lifting, but the 24-48 hours of tissue repair your body has to do afterwards?
  • Bookmarked. Thanks for that! My SO, love him to death, but he's always wanting to go to fast food places and it's not so easy to always tell what's the least bad option.
  • Background: I am a a 5ft tall female and I do managed/low carb. Typical day for me: Breakfast of 2 eggs and 1 oz of cheeze. Plus a glass of low sodium V8. Midmorning snack (if needed if lunch will be later than 4-5 hours) of 1/2 dried fruit and nuts. Today it was an ounce of craisins and pecans. I know because I weighed it…
  • Good job! Just keep going; sounds like you are one the right track. :-)
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