Multivitamin is all you really need. But, I recommend fish oil and protein if you aren't getting enough in your diet.
1. Graduate 2. Find a woman 3. Stop eating so much frozen yogurt
Internet dating is so much better than hoping for potluck at a bar.
This. Try to hit your macros for the day. Everything else is gravy.
Macros refer to macronutrients: carbs/protein/fat. I've also been eating my first meal at noon and it's way easier. I much prefer stuffing my face twice a day to eating small meals.
This thread.
It's water.
6-7% is awesome
If it's only been stagnant for two weeks and you saw great results for the first 5, then i'd say to keep at it and give it time. I definitely wouldn't recommend eating below 1200.
He would be a K-state professor. :D
That isn't possible... what fourth source are you getting calories from?
I track fruit. I don't track gum or coffee.
If you have default MFP settings on, then protein % is set low at like 15%. I adjusted mine to 30%,
Men have egos. We struggle to ask for directions, let alone admit and seek help for a lifestyle change.
You could eat at maintenance, lift heavy, and hope for some re-composition. Or just bulk. It's winter.
I like 40% carb 30% fat 30% protein.
Does this change with daylight savings time, or should I adjust by an hour?
It will turn into fat only if it, combined with everything else you ate for the day, is greater than the energy you expended. Timing doesn't matter.
It's safe to eat at a 700-800 calorie deficit. But if you find you are miserable, you could add ~300 and still be losing at a good rate. Yes it's water.
3500 calories is 1 lb. So you would be losing ~1.8 lbs/week. It seems fine.
It sounds like what you are doing is working, having lost 30 lbs in 3-4 months. If you are under 17% bodyfat at 171 lbs, then it would be impossible for you to get down to 140 (retaining lbm). Because 17% of 171 is like 30.
I wouldn't consider eating 600 calories of anything a binge. But 600 calories of vegetables and 600 calories of chocolate will have the same impact on weight loss - If you have an energy surplus then your body will store the excess as fat, regardless of what it is.
The study she posted pointed out that fewer Americans were lactose intolerant than those that weren't. I am saying that a global study would likely be different because people of Asian descent have higher rates of lactose intolerance than people of European descent.
Really? I thought upwards of 90% of Asians were lactose intolerant. Or are we only counting Americans?
I wasn't giving a study, I was just pointing out why millions of people cannot digest milk. Also, Wikipedia is awesome.
Oh, I had thought lactase levels dropped in all individuals after infancy but I guess some people keep producing it at infancy-levels. Some people can digest milk fine, others can't.
- The amount of lactase enzyme that get sproduced after infancy decreases in every adult human, some substantially (resulting in lactose intolerance).