

  • I love that you're doing Krav Maga too!!! What school do you go to? We were at Krav Maga Illinois pre- Aliyah and now teach level 1 classes at home.
  • This is pretty cool! OK... I would like to lose 10 lbs. by that time and fit into clothing I haven't been able to wear in awhile. I exercise like a crazy person but it's the food, and IBS, I have to manage. I wish that my better food choices automatically made the IBS better but that's not an excuse to eat the fridge. That…
  • This definitely happens to me!! Sometimes I think all the exercise gives me "permission" to eat more, as if I burned all the calories I'm about to eat. Its pretty ridiculous and makes no sense. I'm holding myself more accountable though. THe trick for me is being VERY aware of the stressors in my life because I often look…
  • Hi there! You have another American- Israli here. Made Aliyah in the summer of '11. Shana Tova!
  • Hey there... We moved to Israel from Chicago a little over a year ago. Where are you in Israel... and mazal tov on your Aliyah (congrats on your move to Israel. Just wanna make sure non- Hebrew speakers know what that said!) Be well, Rachel
  • This is SUCH a wonderful response!!! I seem to have a longer-than-expected learning curve with these chats, so I apologize to the person who wrote this.... for not listing your name with your response. But really, sound, solid, awesome advice here....
  • Oh goodie... another attack! I get breathless when the attack is particularly challenging (read between the lines :) and I am a miserable SOB! I'm Miralaxing, industrial strength enema-ing (I wish I were kidding, but its a hospital size one I was given after looking like I was going to give birth to an intestine), and…
    in IBS... Comment by Rach424 July 2012
  • Ok, this entry cracked me up! Thanks for being so cool about it! I've learned that reminding myself about how miserable the pain can be just makes me more miserable! Kudos on the weight loss!
    in IBS... Comment by Rach424 May 2012
  • Wow, lots of us out there, huh? LOL! I was diagnosed about 20 years ago, had the upper and lower GI workups, assorted other tests, and a few ER visits when I had no idea what was going on. I used to take Zelnorm, which was my knight in shining armor, till they took it off the market... I was so not amused. Then I was on…
    in IBS... Comment by Rach424 May 2012
  • I'm in Israel by way of Chicago by way of Brooklyn. I refuse to move- ever again!!! LOL...
  • Beit Shemesh, Israel