


  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    I have Crohn's Disease and was diagnosed 16 years ago. Currently on prednevil because of a major flare up. I find that if I stay away from red meat, gluten, and dairy I don't have a lot of issues. I also quit drinking sodas and drinks that have a lot caffeine. You will have to find out what triggers your IBS. There is a good website for more info www.ccfa.org. It is for Crohn's and Colitis. It has alot of good info there. I was put on a Specific Carbohydrate Diet to find out what foods triggered my Crohn's. Best wishes to you. =^_^=
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I had tests and Celiac and Crohn's was ruled out. :( My doctor is nice but not as helpful as i had hoped. I'm supposed to get referred to a GI specialist but they haven't called yet. I'm soooo tired of having "attacks" two or three days a week.

    I had a soft taco tonight hamburger meat/kidney beans and my stomach hates me now :frown:

    Last Thursday I had a attack so bad (around 1am) I was curled on the sofa crying ...finally a heating pad offered up some relief
  • Rach424
    Rach424 Posts: 14
    Wow, lots of us out there, huh? LOL! I was diagnosed about 20 years ago, had the upper and lower GI workups, assorted other tests, and a few ER visits when I had no idea what was going on. I used to take Zelnorm, which was my knight in shining armor, till they took it off the market... I was so not amused. Then I was on Amtiza but cant take that anymore because they don't sell it in Israel.. Joyous. I use Miralax nearly everyday and workout a lot. It's funny because a lot of people of late have told me that they think I've lost a ton of weight when I have maybe shed a pound total. For the most part, I don't have the flare ups like I used to- those suckers would last for a few weeks and on occasion, the doc would put me on Xifaxin, an antibiotic for dysentery! There really seems to be no rhyme or reason to what does or doesn't work, except a sense of humor, a ton of water, and working out. I figure that at some point, the weight has to move....
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Pretty sure I have it, as (supposedly) Celiac was ruled out. I'm going to get a second opinion this year - I really want something definitive so I can have answers/plan. Since I've started MFP, I've noticed I don't eat a lot of carbs in general and when I do, my stomach bothers me. Coffee is a major ding, but every once in awhile, like today, I'll have it, just to have it and for the caff. Milk usually is a prob, but after not having access to soy/almond milk, I tried 1% in low doses, so I think it's all the "pure", whole and fatty milk I have probs with. Beef is another one I try to avoid, unless I'm craving it, which is rare. Beef and sandwich/baked bread are the worst to me. I think the fillers have a lot to do with it too. I have a feeling I'm allergic to preservatives. :/
  • Rach424
    Rach424 Posts: 14
    You know, it's kinda funny in retrospect. I learned a lot about nutrition, lost more than a hundred pounds of weight and even became an avid weightlifter just so I can poop better.

    Ok, this entry cracked me up! Thanks for being so cool about it! I've learned that reminding myself about how miserable the pain can be just makes me more miserable! Kudos on the weight loss!
  • lottier0311
    lottier0311 Posts: 125
    I havent been diagnosed but have experienced symptoms a while, just never been to a doctor as i know theres no treatment as such. I would highly recommend Psyllium husks, you can take them as capsules or powder an hour before 3 meals a day and is a very good colon cleanse.
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 176 Member
    I've dealt with terrible IBS for most of my life, hardly ever had a normal poo. As soon as I changed to a clean, whole foods, healthier lifestyle it has all but gone away. What a relief...
  • andieb75
    andieb75 Posts: 26
    Does Miralax cause any bloating?
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Does Miralax cause any bloating?
    I went through many a bottle of miralax and it seemed to help my bloating. It helps you release the water so you can grease up the track a bit.
  • Rach424
    Rach424 Posts: 14
    Oh goodie... another attack! I get breathless when the attack is particularly challenging (read between the lines :) and I am a miserable SOB! I'm Miralaxing, industrial strength enema-ing (I wish I were kidding, but its a hospital size one I was given after looking like I was going to give birth to an intestine), and blah, blah, blah... its the same old same old but there are days I simply have less patience for it.... today is one of those days.
  • AMYJK7110
    AMYJK7110 Posts: 126 Member
    IBS-D here. I'd like to add that stress and anxiety can be triggers as well. And unfortunately, I get stressed and anxious easily. :( But I have come up with my own meditating technique that helps some.
    I take prescription medication, Lomotil, and while with dieting and exercise I have been having less episodes, it's nice to have something with me that works quickly if I feel I need it, no fun being at work and having to run to potty all the time, I'm a school bus driver so that is really NOT an option for me!
    My main triggers are Meat (beef), caffeine, dairy, too high sugar foods and pretty much anything fried.