

  • 27 weeks and lost 10 pounds...(I have a lot of extra weight to lose safly) but trying not to gain anything and eating right is a pain in my a-s-s....lol Drinking 8 glasses of water a day and baby doing a jig on my balder means the bathroom and I have been spending WAY to much time together too...lol
  • After the gym for a snack try having some pop corn. I like the Orville Redenbacher's - White Cheddar Popcorn but obviously light butter popcorn is probably better and won’t put you over the edge with your day. :)
  • Wait till nesting syndrome starts. You wont sit down till everything is done...lol Fun fun...lol
  • I am 23w and have lost 4lbs with the help of a dietitian. I gained 80lbs for my first child so I have the extra weight to take off safely. Hopefully in the end when I pop I lose 20-30lbs in baby and after birth. Here's Hopeing :) 3.5lbs in 20weeks is really good! (thumbs up)
  • OKAY, so part of the fun of not finding out again is guessing. Well we had our 20 week ultrasound and it’s a boy. We didn’t need to guess the *kitten* and penis was in plain site as we had a full view of his little bum bum. The ultrasound lady also call him a “he’s” while talking to us. It's another BOY!
  • Just thinking about cravings makes me want Cheese Wiz in my soup with a cheese wiz toast....lol YUM...lol I think anything in moderation is fine.
  • CONGRADULATIONS!! I guess little girls just weren't in the cards. You husband must feel very manly...lol I wont be finding out what Im having this time around. SURPRISES are what’s its all about. We didn't find out for my son either.
  • Hi, My name is Missy and Im 29 years old and 20 weeks pregnant. Upon finding out we are going to have our second child I learned that I am still the exact same weight I was full term for my first child who will be 4 in September. Determined to not weigh 300 lbs by the end of this pregnancy I have obtained a dietician…
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