michelledawnt Member


  • I've been here for several years, so feel free to add me if you need support, encouragement, ideas, or just need someone to connect with.
  • I had uterine ablation last year after bleeding non-stop, it worked very well. I recently found out that I have Pelvic Organ Colapse and will have to have a hysterectomy this year. I was somewhat surprised to find out that the Pelvic Organ Prolapse probably contributed to my bleeding last year and i just didn't know it.…
  • The way my doctor explained it it is not pre-diabetic unless you have a high A1C, but are at a higher risk to develop Pre diabetes or Type 2 usually in 3-5 years if you do not take action.
  • It happened to me prior to my concieving my 3rd son. we were told that my body just didn't respond to the medications to release the egg, I lost 15lbs and changed my diet and then ended up concieving almost 2 months later after quitting the meds.
  • Hi I'm Michelle, I grew up in Quamba right down the road from Brook Park, interestingly enough I now live in Brooklyn Park in the Metro.
  • Lemon Dill Salmon serves 6 plus leftovers time 30-45 minutes Ingredients: 1 fillet salmon or trout (about 2 1/2 lb) 1/3 c lemon juice lemon pepper dried dill weed Pre-heat oven to 375 line cookie sheet with aluminum foil place salmon on aluminum foil (skin down if skin is still on) evenly pour lemon juice over salmon…
  • Hold in there, it will come with time. It is frustrating, I know I have been there, but patience. Losing weight isn't easy for a normal person and even harder with those with PCOS. But with patience it can be done. I have lost 130lb over several years and I still often go months without a loss. Patience and hard work will…
  • I went for almost 3 years and nothing helped until I went on Metformin and Apri 28. In combination with weightloss, I was regular until I had uterine ablation done.
  • I used to have that issue. I went on Metformin and Apri 28 and that made my periods regular for several years. You should be able to go to somewhere like planned parenthood and get birthcontrol very cheaply. Since it does sound like PCOS, I would ask for destrogen or progesterone based birthcontrol.
  • It is more than possible to lose the weight with diet and exercise. I have severe PCOS and have managed to lose 130lbs and working on the last 35. I'll friend ya. Feel free to ping me anytime. Michelle
  • My doctor also told me there was no evidence, until my last set of blood work where my insulin was at 52 (range is 80-100). Now she is concerned that it is making me hypoglycemic.
  • I have been on Metformin for almost 3 years and I have tried a variety of diets. The one that has worked best for weight loss and managing PCOS has been low carb/high protein similar to south beach. Right now I only eat an average of 90g carbs a day and over 100g protein. You have to play with it a bit and see what works…
  • The spirolactone that I am taking not only helps with hair regrowth by elminating the androgens it helps with the unwanted hair as well. I take it with Metformin and Apri 28 and that seems to keep all the hormones in control
  • I had the same issue and it has gotten better as I lost weight, metformin helped some, but the doctor just put me on Spirolactone to help. The excess of androgens that comes with PCOS causes the thinning and hair loss. She told me it would be 3-6 months before I would start seeing a difference, but after 3 weeks I have new…