thoma450 Member


  • 1. Check out Brooks running shoes -- I've used them for years! 2. Water 3. Took me about a month, but it depends on what other workouts you have been doing 4. Listen to your body -- don't do too much, too fast. You'll burn out and be more prone to injuries. Also, don't pay attention too much to your iPod (I've seen people…
  • Your first 5K is going to be great! Imagine yourself crossing the finish line :)
  • You should totally do it. I just did a 10K (over 3,000 participants) and a ton of people were walking it :) You will not be the only one!
  • I'm not bodybuilding, and I know my calorie intake seems really high. My TDEE said like 2000 and some calories which seemed super high to me as well (I'm a teacher, and I understand it's considered a lightly active job, however my school has a policy where we are not allowed to be at our desks any time students are in the…
  • I have a food scale and measure everything I eat...I guess when I say eating clean, I included measuring/weighing the food (sorry)
  • I think I'm having the same problem. Measurements haven't moved, scale actually says I've gained weight....but yet someone told me I look like I've lost weight. It's SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!
  • If you are running in the morning, you need to eat more (fruits, clean carbs, etc.) , which could help with the headaches, etc. in the heat. A 20 oz. pepsi is not going to get you through a solid run...
  • If you have a large mirror in your house, watch yourself to make sure you proper form