5K Encouragement?

I never done a 5k or even thought of doing one but yesterday my friend told me about one coming up in a month and invited me to come. I can easily run the distance and my physical therapist said my injury should be fine in a couple wks... Physically I know I can do it but mentally I'm not so sure. I'm lacking support/encouragement from the people in my life so I'm just looking for a kick in the rear to tell me I'm capable :)


  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Am walking a 10k 2x a week on some tough trails and the running the same once a week. If PT says it's okay for you PUSH it! Good luck!!!!! You've lost a "ton". Go for it!
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    Go for it! I have seen what you can do on an elliptical. You got this!!!!! I do 5ks all the time (walk/jog). It is so much fun though!! You think you need to be motivated, but once you are there and starting, you get a rush and love it :)
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    if you can easily run that distance, then just do it! you'll have a great time. people walk all the time in 5k's - don't worry about if for some reason you get keyed up and don't get a "perfect" run during your 5k. think of it in terms of being a milestone...just finish, don't race.
  • Thanks everyone!!! It sounds so intimidating! Lol It's called Run or Dye and throughout the race they throw washable safe paint on you so it sounds like so much fun!
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    I did my first 5K August 3rd, Color Run, PERFECT first 5K!!
    I've already signed up for my next one in September! :)

    It was so much fun!!!
    AND tonight I smashed my 5K time by 4 minutes! Yay me!!!!!

    Get ur closest friends or family or both and get a team going!

    You can do it!!!
  • bcarman86
    bcarman86 Posts: 51 Member
    You can totally do it! Once you get there around all the other runners, you'll be psyched and ready to go!
  • thoma450
    thoma450 Posts: 11 Member
    Your first 5K is going to be great! Imagine yourself crossing the finish line :)
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Everyone AT the 5k will be supporting you!! Every race I've done there have been so many people on the sidelines cheering the runners on.

    I once signed up for a trail run, because it was benefitting a program I love, but didn't know the trail nor do I trail run much. That morning it was snowing/raining (it was in November). I had to talk myself out of bed, I'd already paid for it...I could be back in bed in an hour. I got there and only about 20 people were there....ALL elite trail runners!!! I was alone the whole trail and so far behind...but as I got closer to the finish line I could hear all those runners cheering me on to finish strong!!! It was great!
  • mfpsica
    mfpsica Posts: 1
    You can totally do it. I went from not being able to run 1/4 mile to doing triathlons, half marathons, a half Ironman, and now training for my first full marathon all within 2 1/2 years. Slow and steady and just have fun!! It's ok to walk if you need to just enjoy the rush when you cross that finish line!
  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    MY favorite show Biggest Loser had the contestants do a 10k their first or second week of being there. They all finished and felt great! You got this and it feels great finishing a race!!! You'll do it and think it was easy peasy :O)
  • Thanks for all the supportive comments everyone!!!!

    This morning when I was out I decided I could and should do it and when I got home I was going to register for it... then my mom called :/ My confidence and enthusiasm was completely deflated... I'm back on the fence again about whether I can do it. Hearing other ppl talk about them sounds so exciting and I want to be part of that.. I wish I could give myself a kick in the butt right now to make myself just do it and quit over thinking it!