

  • I am sending you a message:)
  • Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything…
  • Hey girl. I am doing a nutritional plan that is amazing. I have lost 11.5 lbs in 6 days and 10 inches. I feel amazing. I have had many health issues including chronic pain and unbalanced hormones so I wantes to make sure what ever I did was nutrition based. I was tired all the time before I started this and by day 3 I felt…
  • I know it is so easy to become discouraged. DON'T! . You can do this. Keep pressing through. I started my nutritional plan on 9/23/2014 and have lost 11.5 lbs and 10inches. My body feels better than ever!. I am a thyroid cancer survivor and packed on the pounds before, during and after treatment. I felt like my life was…
  • I know this can be a hard thing to do! But you can do it! I have started my nutritional plan and lost 11.5lbs since 9/23/2014 and lost 10 inches. Have a great day and be encouraged.
  • I have lost 11 lbs and am experiencing the same problem. The key is to never give up. It is hard sometimes but you have to hold steadfast to a goal. Keep your head up! You are not alone in your struggle to have your clothes fit better.