Slim Fast Shakes??



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Everyone's different, so if it is something you want to do then go for it...

    Be prepared though, I did the Cambridge weight plan (twice), although I lost shed loads of weight I put every single pound and then some back on.
    It's tough to do a complete meal replacement as well, you do feel quite isolated so clear your calendar because the socials go out the window :smile:

    SlimFast have the highest sugar content of all of them so you may be best going for a more reputable balanced plan.

    So if I said I want to lose 20lbs by this weekend, I'm going to cut off my arm .. would you say just go for it???

    I am not on here to debate with someone whio is going to take what you say, exaggerate it to a ridiculous level and then try to challenge you on it. I am just trying to add something a little bit more productive to the conversation.

    Bad advice is bad advice. Trying to lose 20 lbs in a month is ridiculous, encouraging it is even more ridiculous.

    And you follow it with I tried something similar and gained everything back when I stopped. Recommending to people to just go for it now matter what the plan, is bad advice.

    Unproductive advice is unproductive advice. People are going to do whatever they want to do - as if me writing "No that's insane" on a forum is going to stop someone making up their own mind?
    There were good and bad points to doing the plan, such as I felt healthier, my stomach problems disappeared, my skin cleared up, nails looked better than ever etc. Was it good long term - No, was it drastic - Yes...
    What you want is to chastise someone for trying something different and quite frankly I’m not that way inclined.
    So at the end of the day, opinions are like ars*holes - everyone has one

    So because you think because someone is going to do whatever they want to do then you should just encourage that? No matter how unhealthy? And if someone is going to do whatever they want then why even bother posting advice?

    Bad advice is bad advice. It's okay to be wrong. No one should encourage anyone to try to lose 20# in a month. Why? Because it's unrealistic. What happens when that month is up and they didn't lose 20#? Don't you think someone might get discouraged, or give up? Whereas, if you tried to offer advice that advised the OP to do this the healthy, sustainable way, advise them to reevaluate their goals and create realistic ones, in a month when the OP might have lost 5-10#, I guarantee they won't quit, they'll see they can do it and continue on.

    ETA: Jwhite wasn't chastising you for being different, she was trying to make you see how encouraging an unhealthy weight loss is bad advice. You said yourself that you went on a diet and gained it all back so...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything to feel better.:)

    So what's this life-changing plan?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything to feel better.:)

    and yet... no details. incredible.
  • jennm426
    I am sending you a message:)
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ive done slimfast in the past the only thing I did find is it isn't a "quick" way to lose weight I dont think its even meant as a quick loss ...most people still lose 1-2 lb per week because u eat snacks and a meal...I think it gets a bad rep and actually is a pretty good plan if done correctly most people think its just shakes..and take the cheap and easy route instead of buying all the snacks and veggies your really supposed to have with it. With all that said if you trying to lose a large number on the scale in a certain amount of time Im not here to judge you exercise and low carbs 180-200 grams daily at a 1200-1600 on the cals intake prob would be best...try a spin class or a cardio if your physically fit and able..good luck
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am sending you a message:)
    nah, post it for all of us...

    or would it get you in trouble because you're selling something....?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything to feel better.:)

    and yet... no details. incredible.

    Do tell us what's she's selling please!!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I am sending you a message:)
    nah, post it for all of us...

    or would it get you in trouble because you're selling something....?

    DING DING DING DING DING... we have a winner!
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything to feel better.:)

    Sooo what is it? My sales alarm is definitely sounding
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I am sending you a message:)
    nah, post it for all of us...

    or would it get you in trouble because you're selling something....?

    DING DING DING DING DING... we have a winner!

    Shocking. I'm shocked, I tell you!
  • 12whilson
    When I first started MFP in 2012. I was starting college and wanted to make a change for the better. So I started slim fast. I I was about 300 pounds and I got down to 245. So I lost 55 pounds. In about 4 months. But then when I stopped, I gained some of the weight back. I am now 273. And trying to do this the right way. But I will tell you tht I don't regret doing it. Because even though I gained some back. I was able to keep about 30 pounds off. But you have to take into account that I had a lot to lose. And those shakes and meal bars get boring after awhile. So while I'm not saying they are the best things in the world. They pointed me in the right direction. Good luck!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I am sending you a message:)

    Oh send me one too...

    because you probably didn't realize PM's selling stuff is also reportable.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    PS:dont buy Shakeology it taste like poop I got a free samples
    "I'm a message mind reader"
  • TheKingsChampion
    Same thread...same reply...

    Eeuuuw, shakes. :sick:
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Lol. Its not. I feel better than I have in as long as I can remember. I was so sick and had tried everything including calorie restrictions to lose weight. My doctor and I discussed this and he was on board. It has been life changing. If you have packed on pounds from severe illness and nothing works you will do anything to feel better.:)

    Clever marketing. Waiting for everyone to pm her
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Same thread...same reply...

    Eeuuuw, shakes. :sick:
    not just ewwww shakes...

    but EWWWW OP that won't listen about how 20lbs in a month is ridiculous, shakes or no.

    also EWwwwww white knights that just support whatever, regardless.

    and then Eeeuuuw.... sales pitch morons that send PM's about some majestic bucket of crap that they're trying to sell.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I make my own shakes with much more nutritional value.

    The only time I dropped 20 lbs in a month tho was when I had a baby

    Guess that's akin to lopping off a limb
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Same thread...same reply...

    Eeuuuw, shakes. :sick:
    not just ewwww shakes...

    but EWWWW OP that won't listen about how 20lbs in a month is ridiculous, shakes or no.

    also EWwwwww white knights that just support whatever, regardless.

    and then Eeeuuuw.... sales pitch morons that send PM's about some majestic bucket of crap that they're trying to sell.

    Sales pitch lady just hit another thread:
  • TheKingsChampion
    Same thread...same reply...

    Eeuuuw, shakes. :sick:
    not just ewwww shakes...

    but EWWWW OP that won't listen about how 20lbs in a month is ridiculous, shakes or no.

    also EWwwwww white knights that just support whatever, regardless.

    and then Eeeuuuw.... sales pitch morons that send PM's about some majestic bucket of crap that they're trying to sell.

    I agree. let's go chew some meat while they swallow their colored water...