Fr0styb0y Member


  • Hi fellow Geeks! I'm all in Colorado. Any of you nearby? Feel free to friend me. Hey, what group can we all be in, is there a preferred geek group? Maybe a Browncoat group? Peter
  • Hi, I have no idea what goes on in this group, because it appears to be kinda quiet. Anyway, I too am SCA in Colorado (Outlands) and I am getting back into fighting shape! Woot! Im doing 4hB and P90X and focusing on maintaining a positive attitude. All of which will help me lose about 50 lbs. Also, I have a friend who…
    in Hello? Comment by Fr0styb0y May 2012
  • I agree, the breakfast part is mondo important. I believe, like in the book, that if you are stalling then you have strayed too far from the core diet. I did the EXACT SAME THING. I had two days off diet and missed my breakfast from time to time and ate too many nuts (still a problem for me). I stalled out. So what I did…