shawna_h74 Member


  • I've been on BBV for just over a month and have lost 10 lbs and 7 inches from my chest, wasit and hips. I love the stuff! It's not expensive, works out to $1.87 per shake. It's great for nutrition and energy. My kids take it as well, but in between meals for added nutrition. I promote the stuff as well, but I'm not here to…
  • I think you should go by inches and how your clothes fit, not by the pounds on the scale. If you're working out then you'll be building muscle, so the scale won't go down, it might even go up. Just keep at it, don't get discouraged! :smile:
  • I take the Body by Vi shakes too. I love them, they do keep me full. I take one for breakfast (mixed with berries and skim milk) and then I workout at lunchtime, and have a shake when I get home from the gym. I workout 6 days a week and eat healthy. My husband's big into body building and he takes them too, so does Hulk…
  • thanks for posting this! I've been doing Body by Vi and eating properly and hitting the gym 5 days a week. I'm due to get AF this week and I'm up a pound a half on the scale!!! Last month I lost 4 lbs after AF left! Crazy! Would love some tips too!
  • Hi, my name's Shawna. I'm a mom of 5 kids as well, 4 girls and 1 boy! Ages 18, 11, 5, 3 1/2 and 10 months. They keep me very busy, so I hear you on the slow weight loss! I'm still breastfeeding too, so that doesn't help! I'm just starting to wean, so I have the water retention from Aunt Flo, lol. Frustrating as I go to the…