

  • Make a homemade trail mix! Almonds, sunflowerseeds, craisens, dried bananas, pumpkin seeds, and a 1/2 cup serving is 300 cals! Easy to make, plus you get double the makings then buying a premade bag!
  • "If the journey is too easy, then the rewards is not worth having!"
  • Ya know, I think I need to see a specialist to determine if I have a gluten allergy! I have some serious problems that came about after my first pregnancy and it is quite bothersome! And if I do have this same issue then I am going to have to figure out some alternatives as well!
  • Hey Ya'll my name is Haven and I am 27 years old. I'm a stay at home mother of two and have 5 workouts left of my first round of Insanity! I'm going to start my second round of Insanity on 7/30 and this time incorporate Hot Yoga and workouts from my NIke Training Center app for iPod! My goal weight is 130 and I'm unsure…
    in Welcome Comment by heduell July 2012
  • I tried a seven day cleanse from GNC! The first time I used it I did follow a healthy eating regime, but the second time I could feel my body disposing off all the junk inside much better! I was even regulated afterwards, and that is a huge problem for us ladies! Research, reseach, research! If you know a personal trainer,…
  • WOW! What a peice of work! One: anyone who verbally abuses someone is more then likely as worthless as the person they learned this bad mouthing from! (poor childhood) Two: your poor sister! I wish she could clear those tears and see him for the worthless douche he is! Charming is charming, not love! Three: You are a good…
  • I just started Monday, so today is day 4 and thus far I love it! I love the personalism from Shuan T and how these other people got what they have now from doing this program! If they can do, then I can do it! Lets go girls!
    in Insanity Comment by heduell May 2012
  • You look amazing! Congrat on your success!
  • Okay, here we go! Bust 36 1/2 inches down 1/2 inch Waist 34 inches down 2 inches Hips 41 inches up 1/2 inch? Thighs 25 inches stayed the same Butt 43 inches stayed the same Arms 11 1/2 inches stayed the same Over all body fat is 36.8% (my scale measured a 3% less when I started this challenge so I'm gonna start with the…
  • I got a membership to Fitness Magazine, and I cut out the workouts that are inside and made a binder for myself. So many of these workouts offer GREAT strength building guides! I've shredded size off of my arms just doing a few basic moves, and I also use Nike Training Center app on my iPod! These do all sorts of workouts…
  • Yay Beth! I'm ready to start! I'm going to post weekly measurements as well, and my husband thinks this is an amazing idea! He knows how I am with the scale! So starting tomorrow I'll post all information! Yay!
  • Hello, my name is Haven and I am a mother of two, a 3 year old and a 2 month old. I am 5' 5'' and currently weigh 174, trying to reach 130! I live a very strict life with my food and working out, but the workout conversations with my husband about working out aren't the same! I strive to be in the best shape of my life by…
  • Aw! Thank you for your post! I sometimes forget there are others out there pushing themselves as well and now I feel more motivated then ever! I try not to weigh myself everyday to avoid being discouraged, but then again I push even harder! Keep up the good work, and I look forward to hearing your success!