mdp1965 Member


  • Wow, what an incredible achievement...and you have proved its all about change in attitude and believing you can, and will lose weight and get fitter and healthier. You didn't give up, even when you became ill and couldn't exercise, would have been so easy to go back to old habits and give up. You looking amazing,and…
  • Definitely ditch the artificial sweeteners, they are harmful chemicals and do you no good. If you need something to flavour water, try some natural, organic squash - most supermarkets sell this and although they are a little more expensive you only need a tiny splash in a glass of water. You really do need to drink more…
    in Headaches??? Comment by mdp1965 May 2012
  • yay, me too! Crowborough to be exact :smile: ...definitely not sunny today ...
  • I'm 5'2 and aiming for 120 - I got down to 110 a few years ago but couldn't maintain it and found I couldn't get any clothes to fit my waist. Might try for 115 but I'll see when I get to 120!
  • I'd like to give it a go, add me please. No idea how many I can do, not very many I suspect! Is is ok to do them with your feet tucked under sofa or something? If not, I doubt I can do any!
  • Definitely don't give up! Sound like you have done lots of exercise - muscle weighs 3 times heavier than fat I think, so whilst you have probably lost in terms of measurement, maybe not in weight. I measure myself each week too...waist, hips, arms, thighs etc which is always reasuring if you have a week where you don't…
    in help Comment by mdp1965 April 2012