

  • Clean eating will mean different things to different people. But the basics are always the same. You want to eat small, frequent meals (about every 2-3 hours) and what you eat should be unaltered. Just as nature intended it. So when you read a label, look at each individual ingredient. If there is one on there that you…
  • It always amazes how willing people are to comment on the weight of another person. It's such a personal issue! I've had the opposite types of comments. I've lost 59 pounds so far and yet I still get asked if I'm pregnant or, "should you be eating that?" On the other end of that, in certain conversations, I tell people…
  • Hope you don't mind if I but in here. Bananas that stay together, rot together. Separate your bananas on the counter. They will go brown much slower. Also, when you first start to see brown spots, peel them, slice them, and stick em' in the freezer. Especially during the summer heat, they are fantastic for banana ice…
  • You rock! Thanks for the mention!
  • I posted this on the feed, but I'll post it again here too. EAT YOUR VEGGIES!!! Seriously, if you eat at least 2 cups of veggies before any meal, you'll fill up, get your fiber AND stay full longer. Also, be sure you're eating every 2 hours. It keeps the blood sugar from swinging which keeps the hunger at bay.
  • You CAN do this! You just have to be kind to yourself in the process. You have to allow yourself the time it takes for your taste buds to adjust to truly healthy foods, and you have to honestly push yourself at working out, without going overboard and causing an injury. Your health has to become the true focus in…
  • The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. It's that simple. Don't be afraid to train with weights. For most women, it's virtually impossible to become "hulk-like". Muscle does nothing more than make us look sexy! Lift those heavy weights girlfriend! (just don't hurt yourself in the process!)