Clean Eating Success Stories, I want to hear them!

Improvised Posts: 925 Member
I'm trying to start eating clean, I'm thinking 80%-90% of the time. I have heard eating clean is a good way to lose weight as well as feeling a lot better health and energy wise.
Have you eaten clean? What were the results? What type of food group do you eat the most of?



  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    What is eating clean?
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I dont know if its called clean, but I did for one year eat mostly, vegtables, fruits, chicken breasts grilled and pinto beans.........I avoided all processed foods, no sugars, the only sugar I got was from fruit ,and occasional wheat pasta and I lost 100 lbs the first 12 months, plateaued 4 months, then lost 30+ in the last 2 months, and its from all eating pretty clean

    I did mess up, maybe once a month, very rarely did I drink alcohol, no drugs, and no smoking...........did pretty good..........Lloyd
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    I eat mostly grains but not a lot of bread things like pasta. Also i eat a lot of beans for protein because i recently stopped eating meat. I also eat fish and drink 8 cups of water a day. I don't eat any junk food at all except when I reach my 2 week goal i'll have a small treat (chocolate :) ) Also i never eat back my exercise calories. All snacks are fruit and sometimes a few crackers to hold me until dinner. And Kashi Go Lean cereal is the best. It keeps you full for hours and has lots of protein. I've already lost 6 pounds :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I eat clean...I don't know what percentage...I do know I currently have 1 processed item of food in my kitchen and it's corn tortillas...

    I eat clean because of gluten/dairy intolerances and I don't eat soy (I don't know for sure if its an allergy but I feel better without it so I don't eat it) and when you can't eat gluten/dairy/soy you are down to fresh veggies fresh lean meats, and whole grains.

    I'm losing weight, feel great, and when I eat something that isn't 'clean' I feel it. It's not awesome.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I am new to clean eating about 1 month in (i eat about 80%clean)
    I love it the differences in how i feel is amazing! And i have started to feel
    like the shrinking woman :laugh: A great source is clean eating Magazine
  • amyb74
    amyb74 Posts: 10
    I am interested to hear others experiences as well. I started reading "eat clean diet recharged" yesterday. I have heard time and again it is the best way to get a flat belly as well as feel great. I know processed foods are bad but the convenience factor is huge for me.

  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    its true my stomach is definitely getting flatter :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Everyone seems to have a different definition of Eating Clean. What is the STRICT Definition of Eating Clean so we will know.
  • stephnsuarez
    stephnsuarez Posts: 68 Member
    Clean eating has reduced my bloating, and most importantly my skin is 100% clear now when a month ago I had acne all over my chin and jaw. It really is incredible to live by the simple rules of eating whole, clean foods :) There is no downside to eating clean so just do it! haha :D

    PS my definition of Eating Clean is fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains like quinoa and brown rice, beans, etc. (I'm also vegan, but non-vegeterians can eat clean too by incorporating these foods with their lean protein, eggs, etc) I basically think it means nothing processed!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone seems to have a different definition of Eating Clean. What is the STRICT Definition of Eating Clean so we will know.

    clean eating is to eat only foods that are fresh/frozen without chemicals added, no ingredients that you can't buy in the market and assemble yourself. Some go so far as no sugars/gluten/artificial sweeteners.
    I personally strive to eat fresh/frozen animal proteins, fats that are only found in nature or from natural by-products (dairy/eggs), nuts and other veggies and fruits. I don't eat much fruit because I just don't like them. But if I did they would be acceptable in small quantities (after weight loss, no limits). As you can see from my avatar, "animals and plants, with water on the side."
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member

    In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember if a food is clean is: "if man made it, don't eat it."

    A person that eats clean generally practices the following:

    Eliminates refined sugar
    Cooks healthy meals
    Packs healthy meals
    Makes healthy choices when dining out
    Drinks a lot of water
    Eats 5-6 small meals per day
    Eliminates alcoholic beverages (or significantly limits it)
    Always eats breakfast
    Eating clean can be a major transition for a majority of people due to addictions to sugar, white bread, and fast food. It takes discipline in order to make eating clean a habit but it is possible and has so many long-term health benefits.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm trying REALLY hard to eat clean and have a couple of Tosca Reno's cook books and a best of Clean Eating magazine book.
    I still have a huge problem with portion conrol, but dont have much difficulty with sugars/processed foods ect.....
    Wine is my biggest vice =)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Everyone seems to have a different definition of Eating Clean. What is the STRICT Definition of Eating Clean so we will know.

    clean eating is to eat only foods that are fresh/frozen without chemicals added, no ingredients that you can't buy in the market and assemble yourself. Some go so far as no sugars/gluten/artificial sweeteners.
    I personally strive to eat fresh/frozen animal proteins, fats that are only found in nature or from natural by-products (dairy/eggs), nuts and other veggies and fruits. I don't eat much fruit because I just don't like them. But if I did they would be acceptable in small quantities (after weight loss, no limits). As you can see from my avatar, "animals and plants, with water on the side."

    Thank-You. Is this type of Eating Plan sustainable on 1400-1500 calories per day?
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Some days I eat clean and on those days, I feel much better and my weight seems to drop must faster. The days I do not...notsomuch!! Clean is best though. Not just for weight reasons. Clean food, clean body.
  • bustertriscuit
    bustertriscuit Posts: 13 Member
    I eat clean except for the tbsp of sweet chili sauce I allow myself every day.
    It makes everything better :):):)
    That being said you could probably make your own version using something like apricot puree and a natural sweetener!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I'm currently doing The 17 Day Diet, and rather than a "diet", it's more of a way to get yourself on the "Clean Eating" track. I'm on Day 16 of Cycle 1, and I'm loving it!

    Here's where I'm writing a daily blog, if you are interested:

    And here's the thread that several of us here on MFP that are doing the 17 DD post:


  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Everyone seems to have a different definition of Eating Clean. What is the STRICT Definition of Eating Clean so we will know.

    clean eating is to eat only foods that are fresh/frozen without chemicals added, no ingredients that you can't buy in the market and assemble yourself. Some go so far as no sugars/gluten/artificial sweeteners.
    I personally strive to eat fresh/frozen animal proteins, fats that are only found in nature or from natural by-products (dairy/eggs), nuts and other veggies and fruits. I don't eat much fruit because I just don't like them. But if I did they would be acceptable in small quantities (after weight loss, no limits). As you can see from my avatar, "animals and plants, with water on the side."

    Thank-You. Is this type of Eating Plan sustainable on 1400-1500 calories per day?

    Any eating plan can be planned around a number. I suggest you find what works for you.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    im a work in progress as i have a family to feed lol and they still enjoy the junk, but i have cut out alot of boxed and canned foods. House stays stocked with fresh organic veggies and fruits lots of water no more soda or fruit drinks. As you cut back you do feel better and the belly goes down alot lol. The group i tend to favor most is protein i cant live without it, protein drinks, bars and of course lots of clean cuts of chicken with no skin and tuna in water no oil
  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    When I started MFP I had never heard of eating clean. I guess I ended up doing it pretty much by coincidence. We all know that processed foods and fast foods are some of the culprits that got us overweight in the first place, so I just eliminated them all from my diet.

    From day 1, some of my rules have been:

    Nothing from a jar, can, box or pouch (except canned tuna)

    No fast food.

    No soda or beverages other than water or unsweetened iced tea (I use sweet and low).

    Fresh veggies every day, though I use frozen to make soups with.

    Very little red meat, very little pork, so I use a lot of chicken and turkey.

    Nothing fried, plus I do not use oil, even olive oil (cooking spray only).

    No sauces.

    No added salt and I don't use seasoning that contain salt.

    No white breads or pastas and actually hardly every pasta at all.

    Salad every day. Lots of veggies at every oppotunity.

    Fruit is ok, but I watch for the calories because it adds up. I shoot for a banana, apple and orange every day though I typically only have 2 out of the 3.

    Very little dairy, except with cereal (FiberPlus).

    This has been incredibly successful for me, not only in terms of losing weight but in feeling better and a big benefit of both these is the dramatic improvement in bloodwork results.

    I know these rules sound restrictive but is is possible to follow them and eat really well. You can see some examples here:

    These are all low cal meals, though not everyone has submitted "clean" meals. Most are pretty clean, though.
  • TheGraciousPantry
    Clean eating will mean different things to different people. But the basics are always the same.

    You want to eat small, frequent meals (about every 2-3 hours) and what you eat should be unaltered. Just as nature intended it.

    So when you read a label, look at each individual ingredient. If there is one on there that you would not buy as a separate item to cook with in your own kitchen, then it's not clean.

    For example, if I buy a jar of spaghetti sauce that has the following ingredients: tomatoes, basil, onions, garlic and dextrose.

    Yes, I would buy tomatoes separately and cook with them. Same for the basil, onions, and garlic. But nobody goes to the store to pick up a package of dextrose to cook with at home (Well, they do, but it's called splenda or equal and it's NOT clean or good for you in any way). So this particular jar of spaghetti sauce would not be clean. But if all it contained was the first few ingredients, then it would be clean.

    Clean eaters generally avoid the white stuff too. White flour and sugar in it's refined forms. Sugars such as maple syrup or honey are considered clean because that's how they come from nature. They are unaltered and far healthier for you than the white stuff (in moderation, of course)

    I have a ton of clean eating recipes on my blog. if you want to try a few out. I totally recommend the strawberry salsa to start with. It's quick, easy, and totally yummy!
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