Totally Confused now!

I've alwayse been told for women to tone muscle they should do light weights/high reps for weight training. But in doing some research for some new exercises I came across this artice on the website. I know TONS of people who trust and use this website for information (and in turn I trust them). This article is basically saying BALLONY! Women do NOT need to do light weights and really should be training with heavier weights.

I'm SOOOOO CONFUSED now. I like weight training. A lot of women are afraid of it, but I'm not. But I also want to be doing the right things to get the results I'm looking for. (basically weight loss and toned, sleek muscles just like every other woman on earth!)

Just wondering what some different opinions are. I've included the link if anyone wants to read the article.



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Interesting...I want to know the answer. At 16 I work at a women's only club as a fitness instructor. I did weights all of the time in order to be on the cardio floor with the ladies and keep them company. I remember getting muscular but big. I was increasing my weight pretty quickly as I wanted to be able to lift as much as I could, impressive ya know? Once I left there however I felt I was left with big bulky arms and shoulders. So I always had it in my mind: Tara + lifting weights = Big bulky incredible hulk arms!

    It actually kept me from picking up a weight for a really long time. I actually just started again this past fall, slowly but surely at my gym. Nothing huge, nothing to heavy. Just enough to challenge me. So far, definition and slight toning but no bulking so yay! However I know I could do better.
  • TheGraciousPantry
    The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. It's that simple. Don't be afraid to train with weights. For most women, it's virtually impossible to become "hulk-like". Muscle does nothing more than make us look sexy! Lift those heavy weights girlfriend! (just don't hurt yourself in the process!)
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Here's my basic understanding of this. When you're losing weight, it's next to impossible for your body to build up muscle weight. It has to do with hormones, and if you're body is creating the one to lose weight, then it's not creating the one for you to gain muscle. So the purpose of weight training while you are losing weight is to try to keep your muscle weight the same. If you don't do any training, you will lose muscle along with fat. So if you lose fat but keep your muscle mass the same, there will be more muscle and less fat, and therefore you'll appear more toned.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Here's my basic understanding of this. When you're losing weight, it's next to impossible for your body to build up muscle weight. It has to do with hormones, and if you're body is creating the one to lose weight, then it's not creating the one for you to gain muscle. So the purpose of weight training while you are losing weight is to try to keep your muscle weight the same. If you don't do any training, you will lose muscle along with fat. So if you lose fat but keep your muscle mass the same, there will be more muscle and less fat, and therefore you'll appear more toned.

    That makes sense.
    I have been weight training but with light weights, which I always new was good.

    Thanks for the help guys! Much appreciated!