

  • Keep your calories in check. Make them count by eating healthy/filling foods and eating every couple of hours on the small scale to keep yourself just off the cliff of being hungry but giving your body a chance to make the fuel and burn the cals. Exercise of any sort to manage calories in/out helps a ton. WEIGH your food…
  • A "stone" is roughly 14lbs. Here...this is a calculator that would show you how to convert lb/stone. and if you are interested in some of the history behind the unit of, check Wiki
  • Stick with us woman!!! Add my friend Jin...she's really driven and loves having supporters as she is a very supportive person herself. But just like you mentioned, she likes being able to have folks that are committed and actually are a good support system/cheerleader for one another. You're going to get there...and I can…
  • I started e-cigs 2 weeks ago...I am an almost 30 year smoker, by the way (42 years old). I recently started bikram yoga to try to lose weight (I'm working on more than a 60 lb weight loss goal)...smoking and hot and humid don't go well together. Since I started smoking the e-cigs...I've had easier time breathing, my lungs…
  • Ha ha ha...the funny part, as I look at shows me as losing only 1LB and 58 to go...but I didn't account for my previous weight loss prior to signing up here...I was 205lbs when I started myself down to what is it now...188ish...
  • Always happy to have more friends, and more positive motivation from others!! HI! I'm Amy, I'm 42, live in the Chicago area...and I'm working at losing some MAJOR baby weight that has been hanging on me like a bad burlap sack... :) I'm stubborn...and I'm working at it :D YAY! To everyone on their journey to lose the LBs :D…
  • I bought the Zumba for Wii... I just asked Mom to do it with me, and if not, I just ask that everyone stay out of the basement (where I have the setup/room) when I do it. Too, I started going to Bikram Yoga. I was nervous about all the "skinny people" bending into pretzels while I just look like a hot sweaty fool... I came…
  • Name: Amy Age: 42 Firstly, please let me just say congrats to everyone on their good health and weight loss successes. I've found just breaching the hurdle getting started has been the hard part...sticking with it, sometimes stinks...for a gal that was used to eating/drinking whatever the heck she wanted her whole…