Hate exercising with people watching:(



  • phoenix8633
    phoenix8633 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm the same, but I don't actually let anyone watch me exercise, I go in the spare room and do my exercise while my other half stays downstairs or I'll exercise downstairs and he will be upstairs he's quite good like that, he's not bothered about watching me exercise but because I'm lacking so much confidence I won't let him watch me.

    But yesterday actually really annoyed me because I picked up our friend after work and brought him back to ours, and I said I would do my exercise when my other half got home so then they were occupied with there gaming. But our friend promised me he wouldn't come upstairs or bother me if I did it while waiting for my other half to get home and he would carry on gaming. So I start getting in the mode when I was exercising and then our friend decides to come upstairs and barge through the door to see what the noise was about I screamed at him I was so angry that he had come in when he also knows about my confidence issues as well!! It really put me off for the rest of the session!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    my partner made fun of me once... I asked her to join me doing the 30 DS ( no less) and she didn't make it through the first circut ... she dosn't make fun of me anymore. I found out from her son she has been secretly doing it at home when I am not there so next time she doesn't look silly.... :-)
  • mrs_madame
    mrs_madame Posts: 48 Member
    I don't really like people around when I work out, but it's something I just deal with because I want to look and feel better. In the end that's all that matters. Don't let it get to you to the point that you just avoid working out.

    My ex to this day refuses to work out anywhere because he doesn't want anyone to 'watch' him. The only thing I used to be able to get him to do was go for a walk, and even then that was a crap-shoot. It's just something you have to get used to, and once you've done it a few times you'll realize you don't care if there are other people around :)
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    I think my moaning in pain and agony worked after a time or two. Now my kids clear the room when they see I am in the gear. I like seeing that some people take it to the garage. I may need to do that. I feel more comfortable at home then anywhere else but I don't have any parents/siblings around. Best of luck to you.
  • Queen_mag1998
    Next time you are exercising, invite them to join you and explain to them how important it is to exercise and be healthy.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    I get up at 530am & do my workout while the kids are sleeping & just after DH leaves for work. I refuse to exercise with DH home & if I do it with the kids up you can put another 30 mins on my 90 min work out!

    I hate being watched too.
  • hailie08
    hailie08 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm ok with working out at the gym, I figure people are more accepting there. My families just too judgemental it seems. And it's really tough to make it to the gym bc I have no one to watch my daughter when I go and I have to try to work around there child care hours and I always seem to be working during those lol

    It's also become an issue because I am trying to stick with p90x and the living room and family room are the only rooms in our house big enough to do that in and my mom is in one room and my dad in the other room all night watching tv. Once it's gets nicer out and stays nice I'm giong to try to play them outside on my computer!!!!
  • ImTheMadHatter
    I bought the Zumba for Wii...
    I just asked Mom to do it with me, and if not, I just ask that everyone stay out of the basement (where I have the setup/room) when I do it. Too, I started going to Bikram Yoga. I was nervous about all the "skinny people" bending into pretzels while I just look like a hot sweaty fool...
    I came to realize real quick...
    #1. Unless you drop dead on the floor, no one is paying attention to you but you. Folks are too focused on their postures.
    #2. Those same folks are really supportive and it makes it a much more positive experience.

    I've tried real hard to just come to grips with it.
    I need to work out if I am going to drop my weight.
    Living at home with in-laws, it's a full house, 2 kids, my hub, ma & pa...I just suck it up and realized they understand I'm trying like heck to get back pre-baby weight...and I even get help/encouragement.

    If you don't like people being around...change up your venue, take it outside, to the basement, garage...or, work out when no one else is around/awake. I get up at 4:30...it's the only time in my schedule to bark any kind of workout...out...without there being a person, toddler, interruption.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have my home gym set up in the garage and when the weather is warm will open the big garage door. I don't care who sees me, one of the advantages of being over 50, you don't give a rat's *kitten* what strangers think and when one of my kids makes fun of me I just challenge them to a 20km run.....that shuts them up very quickly!:laugh:
  • terryswade
    What were the reasons you started working out in the first place? If it's a good enough reason to start then it is good enough to go through some awkward teasing by people who say they love you. Laugh with them, make fun of yourself or ignore them, do whatever you have to do to stay with it. Keep it up and you will get the last tease. People who tease are covering up their own insecurities. Keep pushing play every day and it will get better. I was teased by my brother. He said it looked like I had aids because I was skinny in my face and didn't look the same. Now I can do whatever I want to physically. I think I'm ok with that.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I hate working out around other people. I didn't have a big problem when I used to go to the gym. I guess it's more working out at home. I either have my kids constantly after each other or needing this or that. It's hard, but I do it. I refuse to when my husband is home. He will stare at me and it just weirds me out.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Go get a trampoline. It would be fun for you and your daughter. So if your family is watching you to say I am not working out I am playing with my daughter but you are really working out.
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    I also don't like exercising around my family, not because they tease or anything like that, but because they constantly ask me questions, lol. So I always try to get my workouts in when I'm home alone, or if people are at home, I just put on my shoes, grab my mp3 player and go for a power walk.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I hate my other half watching - so if he comes in the living room, where I do my excerise - I automatically stop and pause the dvd and he laughs at me! Just finid it embaressing as well - He is normally quite good though and doesnt come in - neither does our house-mate, I make a point of shutting the door so they know I'm in here!
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    I don't have any suggestions, I'm curious to know what other people say though. I have the same problem. My family is the type that will make fun of me when I exercise and I don't take it too well so for the most part I just don't exercise. :(

    You know what I would tell your family if I were you? "Why don't ya'll get your fat, unhealthy *kitten* up and join me?" lol
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    I hate it too but I think for different reasons. I live with my boyfriend and his best friend, who is also a good friend of mine. We're all close and poke fun at each other anyway, so it doesn't bother me so much. What does bother me is that when they're around and I'm trying to get in my exercise for the day they can be very distracting. I've had to stop in the middle of a good burn a few times to help them locate stuff around the house, or they'll want to talk and if you're REALLY working out it's near impossible. So either I'm gasping to talk or I take it down a notch so I can carry on a convo.

    What I do, is I just wait until they're both at work or school when I'm not busy with anything and I do it then.

    Or, another thing I did was my friend kept teasing me about it, so I made him and my boyfriend try out the wii fit, and it pretty much stopped after that. Sadly, I think I made my friend a bit self conscious because the wii told him he was obese and anytime anyone mentions the wii or wii fit he acts like he has something to prove to the game. Like, "I just carry my weight differently!" and "I can do a real push-up..seriously! that game is just messed up".
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I joined our local rec center. However, I do still work out at home. Usually by dancing around my living room like a crazy person - and I just flat out can't dance. I just make sure that if I'm getting looks or comments that I give them a show. Then it becomes funny to me too.
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    i work for my father, so while we're saving up for a place nearby, my fiance and i are living with him. while i don't think he'd mind if i worked out in the main room, and wouldn't say anything against it, it is his house so if he wants the tv, i'm off. and if i'm done work early and he is still on phone calls, i can't very well have my wii talking at me or tony horton telling me to squeeze in two more curls. solution? a friend of ours was getting rid of an old tv, and we took it so he didn't have to trash it, and put it into an unused room. i go there and work out in peace. dvd players are cheap at wal-mart (if you're using videos) and you can often find old weight sets at goodwill. just find a place inside, or even outside where your family won't be put out or have the chance to pick on you.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I don't have any suggestions, I'm curious to know what other people say though. I have the same problem. My family is the type that will make fun of me when I exercise and I don't take it too well so for the most part I just don't exercise. :(

    You know what I would tell your family if I were you? "Why don't ya'll get your fat, unhealthy *kitten* up and join me?" lol

    This works too.
  • bradXdale
    bradXdale Posts: 399
    It's something that you will HAVE to get over!!!!! Listen to me, I used to feel the EXACT same way. I still get nervousness about it now but there came a point when I had to begin to make decisions to work out regardless of not only what i thought other people were saying about me, but also what i was thinking about other people seeing. Jiggling, big wide body dude in here working out and know he is not going to stick it out. Or look at him he is fat. Your mind can convince you of so many negative things. You have to go at it and say to yourself, It's not about anybody in here sitting around me watching (after all, they are SITTING) You have to say, I'm in here working out and i'm doing it for ME! Eventually those stares will turn into looks of admiration and the comments coming from family will be more like, I remember when you first started and now look at you. Make it about YOU! It's YOUR PROCESS and only YOU can determine what is the right and wrong way to do whats best for YOU! Opinions and criticisms are like Armpits, Everybody has one and eventually they stink! (i didnt say *kitten*) I have now begun to jog OUTSIDE at the park.... I would often worry about my butt shaking or people judging me. But once I started, I got into a "ME" mode real quick. and then it just became all about me! So yep, this 260 lb man gets out there and jogs out in the wild blue yonder for all to see and it's all ABOUT ME! So you do you and then shake off the haters as you gear up for that two piece! :)

    You said everything I was going to say man. Well put.