

  • Eating clean doesn't mean you have to eliminate animal products... you just have to eat things that are natural. That means no processed foods or artificial flavorings, and if you REALLY want to be clean-- no refined sugar or regular salt, it has to be sea salt. "Clean" food labels will only have a handful of ingredients:…
  • I love this! Thank you so much for posting!
  • I've always heard that it's important that women eat at least 1,200 net calories a day. That keeps your body from going into starvation mode-- which means it holds on to fat. MFP's exercise calculator is very generous. I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas and I personally burn fewer calories than MFP says I do. As long…
  • Welcome! The MFP community is so supportive and motivating! Feel free to add me as a friend! Good luck on your journey and happy new year!!
  • Doing the Zumba DVDs sounds like a good idea for your "beginning" workouts. I've been exercising for awhile and Jillian Michaels can STILL discourage me! But like a previous poster said, the circuit format makes it easier to do a little at a time. Just keep with it! Before too long, you'll be surprising yourself with what…
  • Great job!! You'll be amazed at how fast your endurance improves once you get into the swing of things!!
  • I always put the incline to 1.5. I've found that it's more realistic to running outside. 0% incline almost feels "downhill" to me. As far as speed goes, 5-5.5mph is a good starting point for a light jog. If you get bored with the same speed/incline, try intervals. Hope this helps!
  • you're going to love this site! everyone is so supportive! good luck!
  • We basically have THE SAME story!!!