

  • Start small. I started with a small caloric reduction and started walking at lunch around the parking lots at work. I added a little by little. I get bored easily so I try a new activity each week. Right now, I am enjoying zumba on the wii. My weight loss has been slow but stable. Best of all, I don't feel like I am…
  • Dresses and skirts work well at this phase.
  • Definitely the clothes!. I also have lost most of my weight on my legs and arms. My tummy is still big, so clothes don't fit well right now and look really baggy around my butt and thighs.
  • You have to make sensible choices. I spread my calories evenly across breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have a healthy snack between each meal. I also do not eat after 7:00p.m. I thought it would be hard to maintain 1300 calories, but now if I eat more, I feel stuffed. You will be able to do it-just plug foods into your app…
  • Awesome! It is so hard but so worth it!! Good job!!!