

  • Okay so last week I did really bad on not getting on the wii but my AC tried burning down my house and my septic tank tried overflowing. I have been walking a lot and cleaning the house more hopefully that burned extra calories. lol It's 85 in the house right now and I hope the solution is done but still not sure. I will…
  • Ok I will definitely work on getting my step score over 600!
  • Unfortunately I will not have a nunchuk for a few weeks. What can I do?
  • My score for the step advanced is 486 for today. I have done 45 minutes of aerobics. Mainly step and running today and twice on hooola hoop.
  • JB-my sensor bar is on top of my tv and it grabs my punches. Unfortunately I have to go get another nunchuck before I can do boxing again.
  • Okay cool. SO what was the previous challenge? I am a stay at home mom and I didn't get in enough exercise while my Wii was broken so now I am back on pace with making sure to exercise everyday.
  • :happy: I would love to join your team. I just got my Wii back from Nintendo a week ago and since it was broken I gained 7 and a half pounds. I was so glad to get it back. I have been playing the wii fit for at least thirty minutes a day since last Thursday. Today I did 45 minutes straight aerobics. I love to use the wii…
  • Well I kept my word and did my wogging this afternoon. :smile: I also stayed under my calories. One day down many more to go. Wohoo. I noticed that a lot of people are talking about couch to 5K so I checked it out and it looks like it will be a great thing for me so I can start to run. Thanks for that.
  • So this week has been my first week and I have been eating like I normally do until today. Today I am tired of looking at how badly I have been going over my calories (ofcourse I get the midnight munchies or go for the seconds) so I have started out great today and got a workout in early this morning. I am going to put my…
  • Thank you. So this week has been my first week and I have been eating like I normally do until today. Today I am tired of looking at how badly I have been going over my calories (ofcourse I get the midnight munchies or go for the seconds) so I have started out great today and got a workout in early this morning. I am going…
  • I am a mother of three and want to get my body back. I need some motivation. I like walking and am trying to get myself into running. I would love to join this group if you would have me. Thanks