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  • genmilan
    genmilan Posts: 11
  • baby_gyrlamc
    Thank you. So this week has been my first week and I have been eating like I normally do until today. Today I am tired of looking at how badly I have been going over my calories (ofcourse I get the midnight munchies or go for the seconds) so I have started out great today and got a workout in early this morning. I am going to put my food into the calorie counter before I eat it to make sure I don't go over my calories. If it is a high calorie/intake count I will find something better for me and not eat the bad. I am going to start getting myself in the bed at a descent time to eliminate the midnight snacking. Maybe I can convince my husband that if I don't go to bed he doesn't go to bed until he convinces me to go. I am only 25 and granted I have had three children or that's what everyone tells me is my excuse, but it is an excuse no more. TIme to get my body back to a way that I am proud of it again. When I got finished doing a 15 minute workout I felt refreshed and after the kids take a nap I am going to go wogging while the kids ride their bike. It's a great way to have family time and be healthy.