PFlobb Member


  • Hello. My name is Paula & I live in Texas. I'm 53 yrs young. I have thyroid problems that have made it very difficult to manage my weight. The thyroid is under control, now it's time to get the weight under control. I am on a medically supervised weightloss program at the moment. Good luck to everyone! Did you stay within…
  • Jessica, Good for you for writing everything & logging it later! That is something you should be proud of!
  • The main thing about dieting is learning how to eat correctly & not feeling deprived. When you feel deprived of the foods you love, eventually you give in & binge. That's kind of what happened to me day before yesterday. I was really tempted again today, but so far have not done anything stupid. I suggest trying to figure…
    in bad day Comment by PFlobb May 2009
  • When the Dr. had me on 800 calories, I wasn't supposed to work out. Now that I am up to 1200 calories I can start my walking again. Hopefully that will help.
    in bad day Comment by PFlobb May 2009
  • Thanks for the encouragement. My Dr. had me on 800 calories a day & I lost 3lbs. I went back to 1200 calories yesterday and today I showed a 2lb gain. I am very frustrated.
    in bad day Comment by PFlobb May 2009
  • Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site too. I am on a medically supervised weight loss plan & my Dr. sent me to this site. I need to lose about 50 lbs also. I am on a very low calorie intake for this week, so I can't start my workouts until next week. I'm really looking forward to shedding the weight for good! Good luck to…