Daily Check In Thread (The Beginning) 5/26/09



  • PFlobb
    PFlobb Posts: 6 Member
    Jessica, Good for you for writing everything & logging it later! That is something you should be proud of!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Michelle and I will be 34 in November. My son was born 2 days before my 32nd birthday! I live in Sugar Hill, GA (about 40 miles north east of Atlanta) and originally from Long Island, NY. I have been with the same company since we moved to Atlanta 4 years ago. DH and I plan on having another child and I don't want to have to worry about my weight on top of my epilepsy when pregnant again.

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Not this weekend, but back on track today. I gave myself a little extra for the holiday.

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? I didn't have a goal yesterday

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I only ate just enough to be full even though yesterday was BIG BBQ DAY. This can be a difficult thing for me to deal with so I did well even with AF.

    What would I have done differently? Taken a walk or worked out on Wii.

    What is today's personal goal? Eat my calories in a healthy way and either walk or work out on my Wii.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Jessica, Good for you for writing everything & logging it later! That is something you should be proud of!

    Thanks! I guess you're right!
  • PFlobb
    PFlobb Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. My name is Paula & I live in Texas. I'm 53 yrs young. I have thyroid problems that have made it very difficult to manage my weight. The thyroid is under control, now it's time to get the weight under control. I am on a medically supervised weightloss program at the moment. Good luck to everyone!

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Not this weekend, but back on track today. Was out of town & out of control for the holiday.

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? I didn't have a goal yesterday

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I Walked 18 holes on the golf course watching a golf tournament.

    What would I have done differently? Not had the 2nd coke.

    What is today's personal goal? Stay within my calorie limits & walk. (Already got the walk in)
  • yankeefamily05
    Hey guys, my name is Tamra. I am 24 years young. I have been married to my husband Christopher for a year and a month now. We have a gorgeous 4.5 month old daughter named Irelynn. I work as an attendent for the disabled and I also babysit 5 days a week. I am a stay at home /take your daughter to work kind of mom. I will be going back to college next year for medical imagery. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. This is the heaviest I have ever been and I plan on NEVER being this heavy again. My husband has also embarked on this journey with me. He has already lost almost 10 lb......

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Everything except for the protein part. I always manage to go over that!!!!!

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? no.

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Drove home from NC..thats about it.

    What would I have done differently? Gah..I wouldn't have eaten the whole ride home:( ..I got bored.

    What is today's personal goal? Eat all of my fruits and veggies and start my strength training.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Hi there my name is Kristy im 26 and im married but the wedding is actually sept 19 2009. I started my journey with 25 lbs to loose and was doing very well. I then got sick and well health first 6 months later i found out that i actually have gluten allergy which does explain alot of things through out my life. So im back looking for some threads to get back into loosing and get those last pounds off cause there the stubborn ones and well i have a dress i really want to get into!

    I logged most entries
    im proud that i actually walked a little bit even if it was for 5 min,
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    Started a new thread for Wednesday 5/27. Find it under Motivation & Support.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Started a new thread for Wednesday 5/27. Find it under Motivation & Support.

    here's the thread (to save time):happy: