Daily Check In Thread (The Beginning) 5/26/09

I'm always looking for a board or thread to join, but I decided to start my own. We all obviously have bad habits that need changed and good habits that need to be developed sometimes doing it on our own can be overwhelming. So why not support each other and take one day at a time.

Here's how it will work. Each day we will answer the following questions:

Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes or No (This can mean just calories or others)

Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? (See Below)

What did I do yesterday that I am proud of?

What would I have done differently?

What is today's personal goal? i.e. drink all my water, exercise at least 20 min., try a new food, etc.

Anyone is welcome to join. Just introduce yourself.


  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    My name is Nicole Longenecker. I live in Northern Indiana. I am 29 yrs old. I have been married 8 yrs (today). No children, just a Shih Tzu named Eddie. I am the assist. manager for a small construction company, but since March I have been on unemployment cuz we have no work right now. I love to read, scrapbook, camp, bike ride, go four wheeling and snow mobiling and go fishing with my husband.

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? No

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? No, it was to make sure I accurately journaled every bite. I did good most the day but didn't keep track of the evening.

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? When I went to my parents' for a bbq, I ate a whole plate of salad before I ate anything else.

    What would I have done differently? Journaled every bite, especially after 4pm, that's when it starts getting out of control.

    What is today's personal goal? Let's try it again, journal (honestly and accurately) every bite.
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    My name is Leanne, I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am 38 years old, been married for 15 years, have 2 amazing teenagers. I am a photographer and accountant. I love to travel, travel and travel some more, as well as boating, hanging at the cottage and snowmobiling in the winter.

    Did you stay within your Nutritional goals? Yes

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes, I completed my last get your *kitten* kicked class of summer shed, it was worth every second of agony!!

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Joined this site, it is fabulous!!

    What would I have done differently? Had more protein in my day

    What is today's personal goal? To get my percentages of carbs, proteins and fats right 40/30/30
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I'm in.....after the last couple of weeks (graduations, weddings, holidays) I need a kick in the butt and some accountability.

    I am Nila Augustyniak. I will be 48 on Thursday. I also live in Northern Indiana in a town that has one 4-way stop and if you blink you will miss it (we do have 2 bars and 4 churches though...go figure). I have been married 21 years last month and have 2 kids. My oldest (Alyssa) turned 21 last week and is studying at Ivy Tech to be a pastry chef (talk about tempation). My youngest (Weston) will be 18 in July and is finishing up his junior year of high school. I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and am a semi-pro (mostly semi) photographer. AND HERE WE GO....

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Didn't count them yesterday....too much work and I didn't work out (took a day off which I am sure I will be paying for big time)

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Just started today so I would say no...see above.

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I stopped at 3 double chocolate brownies (I told you I didn't do well yesterday :noway: )

    What would I have done differently? Nothing. I enjoyed it and needed it and will deal with it this week.

    What is today's personal goal? Stay on track today with my food and really exercise today (not just half way).

    Thanks Nicole for this thread and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi I like the idea of this thread...

    I am Dara, I am 29 - turning the big 3 0 in Decemebr. Getting married in May of 2010 and I have a few holidays this year so I have loads of goals to work towards..

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yesterday - Yes

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Well, i didnt make any but I did do my workout and stay within my cals..

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I worked by butt off when I really didnt want to!

    What would I have done differently? I could of eaten a lot healthier foods

    What is today's personal goal? To stay within my cals and if I can, even a lil bit below - I usually eat all my exercise cals, but I want to only eat half from now on...

    I am looking forward to reading everyone's goals to give me some ideas/inspiration!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    My name is Misty. I live in Northern Illinois. I am 32 yrs old. I have been married 3 yrs. One son who is 2 1/2. I am a nursing student and stay at home Mom. I don't have a whole lot of "me" time. The time I do get I spend on MFP, studying, or running my son around to therapy.

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes....I'm considering upping my cal intake to 1400 cals.

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? I didn't have a goal yesterday

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I got out and walked after dinner ...I had a really bad weekend and almost considered giving up this whole lifestyle change.

    What would I have done differently? Took more time to walk.

    What is today's personal goal? Burn at least 400 calories.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm Amanda, I'm 29 and will turn thirty in June. I stayed within my calories over the Memorial Day weekend, so I'm proud of that. Today I'll just keep on doing my thing and get my workout in.:drinker:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    I like this thread :wink:

    My name is Jessica, and I am 19. I'm engaged. No children, but I do have a cat that is my baby :tongue: I'm going to college, and I like a lot of things, especially food :laugh:

    So, for this weekend......

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? No.....:embarassed: I thought I was doing ok, but I didn't have a computer, so I couldn't log my food. I wrote it all down and put it in when I got back, but it wasn't pretty...:sad:

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? The only personal goals I have right now are to eat right and exercise, and I didn't do either of those. I spent much of the day on the road...

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? I didn't do much good yesterday, or any day this past weekend...:laugh:

    What would I have done differently? Ate a little better. Exercised even though I was tired.

    What is today's personal goal? To stay within my cals, and get off my rear end!
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    naugustyniak - Hey it's good to see you again. Thanks for joining. I think this will help me be accountable and help people support each other. Hey by the way, did you sign up for that Fort 4 Fit 4 mile run/walk? I have been walking 4 miles trying to get myself convinced that I can do it and working up the guts to register. Do you think there is a time limit on it?

    deedun - Dara its nice to meet you. Congrats on getting married, that's very exciting! Sounds like you are on the right track. I look forward to getting to know you on this thread.

    cherryred76 - Thanks for joining Misty, it's great to have you. Good goal of burning 400 calories. That's usuallyl what I shoot for too.

    GTOgirl1969 - WOW, Amanda that's awesome that you were able to stay on track over the holiday weekend.

    jlhcrh3 - Welcome Jessica. Thanks for joining. Don't worry about yesterday or the weekend. Today is a new day. That's great that you worked out even though you were tired. I'm sure it was worth it.

    By the way, I have made my food/exercise journal public to everyone so that I pay more attention to stay on track. So you can view mine. And if you didn't know that you could do that, you just change in in your settings.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    By the way, I have made my food/exercise journal public to everyone so that I pay more attention to stay on track. So you can view mine. And if you didn't know that you could do that, you just change in in your settings.

    I looked at your diary, and want to know how you have it to where it has a snack after each meal, instead of all three meals and then the snacks?
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    By the way, I have made my food/exercise journal public to everyone so that I pay more attention to stay on track. So you can view mine. And if you didn't know that you could do that, you just change in in your settings.

    I looked at your diary, and want to know how you have it to where it has a snack after each meal, instead of all three meals and then the snacks?

    When you go into the settings to change your food diary, you can put pretty much whatever you want in the food name section.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    naugustyniak - Hey it's good to see you again. Thanks for joining. I think this will help me be accountable and help people support each other. Hey by the way, did you sign up for that Fort 4 Fit 4 mile run/walk? I have been walking 4 miles trying to get myself convinced that I can do it and working up the guts to register. Do you think there is a time limit on it?

    I am gonna sign up this week when I get paid. I did a 4 mile run/walk in 60 minutes today (7 minutes shorter than last time) and burned 562 calories. I don't know if there is a time limit but it asks you on the online application what time you think you can do it in. The female winner last year did it in 26 minutes I think. I am gonna shoot for 45 minutes or less. I have been telling everyone I am gonna do it so now I have to....(having some one else know about it gives me guts). You can do 4 miles even if you walk it. Go for it. Time yourself and try for a goal. :happy:
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    By the way, I have made my food/exercise journal public to everyone so that I pay more attention to stay on track. So you can view mine. And if you didn't know that you could do that, you just change in in your settings.

    I looked at your diary, and want to know how you have it to where it has a snack after each meal, instead of all three meals and then the snacks?

    Nila answered this. Hopefully you get it changed the way you want it.

    I have to say that I am embarrassed of how much info is lacking in my diary. That is why it is my goal to record everying. And why I made it public. Knowing people might be looking at it should motivate me to keep it up.
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Yeah, thanks, I got it! I had a dumb moment. I was looking for some sort of drop down menu or something to choose the layout, and when I went back and looked again, it was one of those "duh" moments, lol.
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    naugustyniak - Hey it's good to see you again. Thanks for joining. I think this will help me be accountable and help people support each other. Hey by the way, did you sign up for that Fort 4 Fit 4 mile run/walk? I have been walking 4 miles trying to get myself convinced that I can do it and working up the guts to register. Do you think there is a time limit on it?

    I am gonna sign up this week when I get paid. I did a 4 mile run/walk in 60 minutes today (7 minutes shorter than last time) and burned 562 calories. I don't know if there is a time limit but it asks you on the online application what time you think you can do it in. The female winner last year did it in 26 minutes I think. I am gonna shoot for 45 minutes or less. I have been telling everyone I am gonna do it so now I have to....(having some one else know about it gives me guts). You can do 4 miles even if you walk it. Go for it. Time yourself and try for a goal. :happy:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence (sometimes I lack confidence in my own abilities). I did get your message by the way. I am planning on signing up. Sunday I did 3 miles in 43 min. I did some intervals of jogging/walking (wogging). I am going to try to keep that up and progress and hopefully by the time it comes, I'll be happy with my time.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm Lindsey. I live in Lebanon, IN. I work for an insurance company in the claims department. Not married, but have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years. Hoping that if I lose enough weight now when it comes time to get a wedding dress (cross my fingers lol!) I will be at a more desirable weight. I have a cockapoo named Sophie and a siamese cat named Phoebe. I love to cook, sew, read, and play nintendo (ds and wii).

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes or No (This can mean just calories or others) no, but I only went 120 calories over

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? (See Below) no

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? i rode on my bicycle and walked my dog

    What would I have done differently? not snacked

    What is today's personal goal? get some outside activity and stay within 2000 cals. also drink 6 glasses of water.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    naugustyniak - Hey it's good to see you again. Thanks for joining. I think this will help me be accountable and help people support each other. Hey by the way, did you sign up for that Fort 4 Fit 4 mile run/walk? I have been walking 4 miles trying to get myself convinced that I can do it and working up the guts to register. Do you think there is a time limit on it?

    I am gonna sign up this week when I get paid. I did a 4 mile run/walk in 60 minutes today (7 minutes shorter than last time) and burned 562 calories. I don't know if there is a time limit but it asks you on the online application what time you think you can do it in. The female winner last year did it in 26 minutes I think. I am gonna shoot for 45 minutes or less. I have been telling everyone I am gonna do it so now I have to....(having some one else know about it gives me guts). You can do 4 miles even if you walk it. Go for it. Time yourself and try for a goal. :happy:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence (sometimes I lack confidence in my own abilities). I did get your message by the way. I am planning on signing up. Sunday I did 3 miles in 43 min. I did some intervals of jogging/walking (wogging). I am going to try to keep that up and progress and hopefully by the time it comes, I'll be happy with my time.

    Make sure you keep track of your progress. I log mine on the Runner's World web site. They let me put in my routes and keep track of how long, how far and a bunch of other things.
  • Nlongenecker
    Nlongenecker Posts: 765
    I'm Lindsey. I live in Lebanon, IN. I work for an insurance company in the claims department. Not married, but have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years. Hoping that if I lose enough weight now when it comes time to get a wedding dress (cross my fingers lol!) I will be at a more desirable weight. I have a cockapoo named Sophie and a siamese cat named Phoebe. I love to cook, sew, read, and play nintendo (ds and wii).

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes or No (This can mean just calories or others) no, but I only went 120 calories over

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? (See Below) no

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? i rode on my bicycle and walked my dog

    What would I have done differently? not snacked

    What is today's personal goal? get some outside activity and stay within 2000 cals. also drink 6 glasses of water.

    Where is Lebanon, IN? I am just south of Fort Wayne, IN.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for doing this, sounds good. I live in Northern California. I work for a startup company in Silicon Valley. I have an 11 year old son and I am not married. I'm hitting a low point in being motivated right now and kind of gave up over the weekend. I've lost a total of 4 pounds in about 5 weeks and I expected the weight to come off easier (at least at first). I guess it's never easy:tongue:

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? Yes

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? no

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? finished scrapbooking a family event

    What would I have done differently? ate less m&m's

    What is today's personal goal? stay within my caloric guideline
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Hi........I'm Pam and probably the oldest poster (?) so far, turning 50 in October. ugh!
    I live in the high desert of Southern California in Phelan. I'm married (#2) - it'll be
    9 years next month. We have 6 kiddos, ages 25 to 8yrs ~ 4 boys and 2 girls. The 2 oldest boys are
    out of the nest, still have 2 girls and the 2 younger boys at home. I'm employed by San Bernardino County Sheriff as a Service Specialist. Tired of looking fat and frumpy and lumpy......by 50
    want to be lean, mean and fabulous!! Have been doing MFP for 2 weeks now and am down 2lbs...
    slow and steady wins the race!

    Did you stay within your Nutritional Goals? NO...just a tad over

    Did I reach yesterdays personal goal? Yes.....drank a ton of water

    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Ate a lot of veggies!

    What would I have done differently? Skipped the ice cream after dinner

    What is today's personal goal? at work, so making time to eat. packed my lunch, but it
    depends on how the day goes if I'll have a chance to eat all of it.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I am really enjoying this thread, and I also never knew that we could make our diaries viewable! that is a great idea...

    It's 7pm for me here in Ireland so my food intake is done for the day!

    Talk to you all again tomorrow!!

    Keep up the good work everyone

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: