marg3049 Member


  • Hi, I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in early March. You asked if anyone has had any success with food and weight loss. I have lost about 26 1/2 pounds since then. Right now I seem to be stuck losing the same one and a half pounds over and over again. However, I am going to see my endocrinologist on Monday so…
  • Someone just sent me a private message asking about how to deal with wanting bread. I thought I'd share my answer here so it might be helpful for others as well. You don't have to replace bread. You can eat some bread, just not as much as you used to. You can substitute some things for bread as well. For example, you can…
  • You asked if anyone has tried the GI diet. I'm working on it and find it excellent. I don't consider it a diet, rather a meal plan. I am in the process of creating a cookbook with low glycemic recipes in it. I have been using low glycemic for about 2 months now and have lost 20 pounds. More importantly, my insulin levels…
  • I think it's important to eat balanced meals with some, but limited carbs, as well as protein and fats. I create my own recipes so I can have a variety of foods to eat. I will occasionally have a small potato but if I do I make sure I have some other foods with it that will help neutralize the higher GI carbs. For example,…
  • Hi, I hear you. I too have this problem. I have discovered that I am insulin resistant and I really do have to watch the kinds of carbs I eat. I have found that following a glycemic index type of meal plan really helps. So first of all, if you are going to eat a low glycemic diet, you might want to quit counting calories.…
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